Friday, December 27, 2019
The Incca Empire The Mayan, Incan And Aztec - 737 Words
The Inca Empire There are many empires, but three big ones are the Mayan, Incan, and the Aztec. The Incan Empire is better than the Mayan and Aztec because of their geography, farming, religion, social, classes, and achievements. The first reason they are better than the other empires because of their farming methods. The Incas invented terrace farming. This is the process of creating flatlands by building steps into the land down the mountainside (considering the fact they lived on a mountain). This helped the Incas a lot. It helped with their irrigation and aqueducts. â€Å"This was great for irrigation†(Inca Empire for Kids-Terrace Farming) The aqueducts helped them transport the water where they needed it to go. Also, irrigation used†¦show more content†¦An Alluyu it is a bunch of families coming together and working as one large family. (Inca Empire- Society) In turn, they were one big family even though they had a social class. Some people may say that the Aztec and Mayan Empires are better, but I disagree. The Aztec and Maya may have created The Vigesimal System and built pyramids, but they did not treat their people, as well as the Incas, did. The Inca’s created the Alluyu and feed all of their people very well. They were treated with respect and care. Inca has done a lot, especially with their achievements. The Inca’s has invented many different things, especially in math, writing, and astronomy. One big thing they invented is the quipus. It is a sort of knot record keeping system. It could be used for the telling of stories to documenting how much of something you had. It was very cool and each one was different and told you something different. Their calendar is sort of similar to the calendars we have today. Their calendar has 12 months (just like ours) with 3 weeks consisting of 10 days. The calendars were marvelous because they were used to mark religious festivals and the planting of crops. They also studied the sun and the moon to make the calendars. They connected their religion to their astronomical beliefs. â€Å"The Inca worship of stars and dark constellations shows us that this culture believed everything around them was connected.†(Hendrika Janssen) They had many intriguing achievements
Thursday, December 19, 2019
What Does Birth Order Affect Personality Development
Abstract Personality development is a relatively new research area that many sociologist have devoted many studies to in trying to identify the different factors that influence an individual’s personality development. The topic of birth order is important when considering personality development. This paper attempts to show that birth order is indeed an influence in personality development. The research question that the paper seeks to answer is: â€Å"To What Extent does Birth Order affect Personality Development?†. Through different studies like the General Social Survey, it’s clear that birth order does influence personality development and in turn social behavior. This paper explains the factors within the studies and how they proceed to showcase the correlation between birth order and personality development. These results help affirm that a person’s birth order does affect how their personality develops. This paper did not consider the other influence on personality development like race, class, or gender. While these other factors may influence personality more that doesn’t diminish the importance of birth order’s effect. The sole purpose of this paper is to find, show, and explain birth order’s effect on personality development. Table of Contents Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..4 Descriptions of Birth Order Ranks†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..5 Firstborn Children and Only Childs†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...5 Middle BornShow MoreRelatedThe Effect Of Birth Order On Personality848 Words  | 4 Pagesas to whether birth order truly has an effect on the way we behave throughout our development. The article I’ve selected argues against the notion that these two correlate. The sample can be found at, otherwise known as the Proceedings of the National Academy of the United States of America. Titled, â€Å"Examining the Effects of Birth Order on Personality†three authors collectively come to this agreement that there are no lasting effects from birth order in long-term personality traits. The namesRead MoreRelationship Between Birth Order And Personality858 Words  | 4 PagesExploring the Relationship between Birth Order and Personality For many years, there’s been an ongoing debate as to whether birth order truly has an effect on the way we behave throughout our development. The article I’ve selected argues against the notion that these two correlate. The sample can be found at, otherwise known as the Proceedings of the National Academy of the United States of America. Titled, â€Å"Examining the Effects of Birth Order on Personality†three authors collectively comeRead MoreBirth order and personality traits600 Words  | 3 PagesBirth order and personality traits Birth order and personality traits are very negotiable because the past and present life situation have a big role in how an individual will turn out, but if it’s an average Joe family then I wouldn’t be surprised if they were like what has been studied and concluded for obvious reasons. All of the traits one can have are unlimited depending on the type of parents, environment, and there intelect. These things can either be good or bad, still depending on theRead MoreImpact Of Birth Order On Multi Children Families1168 Words  | 5 Pagesimpact of birth order in multi-children families, whether it affects creativity, future success, intelligence, and overall happiness and satisfaction in life. It is popularly believed by laypeople that birth order and family size plays a strong role in the development and eventual personality type and success of each adult; however, while many studies have found positive correlations between older children and success, others have be en inconclusive (Carballo, J. et al. 2012). While birth order may playRead MoreBiological Influences On Personality : Temperament, Personality, And Life Span Development1030 Words  | 5 PagesInfluences on Personality: Temperament. Personality is not just something we learn, there are also biological influences that help shape a person’s personality. Our book refers to temperament as biologically based emotional and behavioral tendencies that are evident in early childhood (Cervone D., Pervin, 2015 p.488). Each article provided an insight on how biology plays an important role in our personality/temperament. In the article Nature over nurture: Temperament, personality, and life spanRead MoreDoes Birth Order have an effect on an individual’s personality, social skills, and success in life?1685 Words  | 7 Pagesintuitive knowledge that birth order somehow has an impact on development, but they underestimate how far reaching and just how significant that impact is.†Birth order describes not only what order a child is born into a family but also has an effect on an individuals personality, social skills, and success in life. If you are a first born child, does that mean you are a perfectionist, tend to be a natural leader, and are more successful than your younger siblings? Does being born last make youRead MoreThe, Nature Or Nurture? Essay1402 Words  | 6 Pagesthese are important in personality development. After researching about this topic it is clear that when it comes to personality development, new studies have proven that while Nature does have some affect on one’s disposition, Nurture by far has a greater effect on the development of one’s personality. While many believe that personality is already developed before birth, this statement is proven to be false. â€Å"Experience untimely rewrites 90 percent of a child’s personality traits, leaving an adultRead MoreRelations of Urie Bronfenbrenner the Ecological Systems Theory to the â€Å"Growing up in New Zealand†1137 Words  | 5 PagesSystems Theory. I will look at the findings of the Now We Are Born Report that has collated study cohort data from birth to 9 months old (Morton, Atatoa-Carr, Grant, Lee, Bandara, Mohal, Kinloch†¦et al 2012). I will discuss how two finding relate to Brofenbreener’s model. Urie Bronfenbrenner: Ecological System Theory Urie Bronfenbrenner states â€Å"that in order to understand human development, one must consider the entire ecological system in which growth occurs â€Å"(Brofenbrenner, 1993). His Ecological SystemRead MoreNeo Analytic And Ego Aspects Of Personality Theory Essay1536 Words  | 7 PagesThe quest to discover what makes us who we are has created several different theories of personality. One of the eight aspects of personalities reviewed in this personality theory course is Neo-analytic and Ego Aspect approach to personality theory. The Neo-analytic approach which was derived from a revision to psychoanalytical theory, contains a basic concept of a multi-faceted personality theory, provides beneficial current day applications and does not encourage individuals to turn away from theirRead MoreThoeries of Personality Essay1005 Words  | 5 Pages Theories of Personality Individuals have different behaviors depending on how they feel, think, want, or what they do because these things change from moment to moment. This paper will be writing about personality and how this can be influence by different factors. The writer will explain how personality can be in a child learning environment and influential adults in life and how these influences shape those behaviors. These changes show how the personality is and help to recognize, and understand
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Cloud Computing Cloud Vendor
Question: Describe about the Cloud Computing for Cloud Vendor. Answer: Introduction Service Level Agreement (SLA) assessment procedure should be performed when the organizations implement new and innovative Cloud Model framework for their payroll and file exchange system. This study includes the analysis of different aspects of the cloud computing necessary for the Child Protection file exchange and payroll system. The paper also highlights the demand of the Remote Administration (RM), SLA Assessment, and Resource Management (RM). This study additionally discusses Resilience, Data Backup Procedure as well as Disaster Recovery procedure for the organizations Child Protection for the cloud model used in its file exchange and payroll systems. This report studies the assessments compulsory for the Service Level Agreement (SLA) Assessment as well as Technical Management and also the guidelines of SLA to measure the Service Level Agreement Assessment for the chosen cloud vendor. Remote Administration and SLA Management SLA management means documented contract as well as a recorded agreement between the two entities such as between the organization and the vendor. This documented contract states the type of profits and extra benefits that the service provider is going to offer to the organization. This contract or document also distinctly explains the different sorts of fines and penalties that will surely be imposed on the cloud computing service provider if the vendor fails to provide the promised services which are mentioned in the contract and those fines and penalties will definitely be paid to the Child Protection without any queries(Rajarajeswari Aramudhan, 2014). Resource Management RM alludes to the efficient and effective deployment and allocation of the organizations assets whenever and wherever required. The resources include financial assets, distribution, human skills, inventory, and project assets. Resource Management is the main aspect of the project management. The objective of RM is to enhance the overall revenue, improve the consumer satisfaction levels, and upgrade the billable utilization of the Child Protection (Nikolow, 2012) Remote Administration The software which is utilized for the Remote Accessing is extremely popular and common and, if in any case when clients are not present on the computer systems they can easily access the system from their current location. The demand of the Remote Administration (RA) is to completely control the computer system from anywhere and at any time in the entire world (Rane Sarma, 2015). The remote administration also upgrades its abilities by integrating itself into the cloud computing infrastructure that provides some extra benefits to the employees of Child Protection in handling and controlling the tasks and operating the computer systems from remote locations (Katsikogiannis, Mitropoulos, Douligeris, 2013). Backup and DR Disaster Recovery Selection of the Cloud Service Vendor: There are numerous service vendors who offer cloud services, therefore, it is necessary to select the best cloud service vendor for the enterprise. A collection of the data: Child Protection requires to gather the information compulsory for operating and storing at this phase. So, the process of collecting information needs to make sure that there is the complete safety of the data on the cloud network. The bandwidth of the administration plan: The requirements of the earlier database system of Child Protection, and its organization is examined in this phase (Paschke Bichler, 2008). Data Backup The process of Data Backup alludes to an inner procedure for the cloud-based desktop system. The tools and techniques necessary for utilization of data backup are RAID. This process of data backup is faster as well as better that is the reason why it is selected to completely backup the organizations data. When disaster recovery and data backup procedures are compared, data backup procedure proves to be convenient because the retention time is very high in the Child Protection. Data Backup has a very high drive failure and fault tolerance capability in order to provide better support (Jackson, 2012). Resilience Resilience is utilized to rapidly recover the information or data. Resilience alludes to the capability to recover from the problems of the entire server, data centers, storage frameworks, and networks. Resilience works when there is a breakdown of tools and if there are interruptions. It is obtained through the various internal system as well as components and by enabling the data centers. The resiliency is planned when the designing of the task is exhibited, and it also makes the association between the data centers for disaster plan and disaster recovery (Carstensen, Morgenthal, Golden, 2012). SLA Assessment SLA assisted cloud service vendors in increasing their quality and value of services they provide for managing cloud infrastructures and non-violent infrastructure of the business management. SLA is a sort of service administration framework which sets up a two-way responsibility or accountability for the services, mutually agreed by the vendor and the consumer. It is truly an agreement that archives operational as well as interpersonal connections, builds up common desires, and gives a standard to quantify performances. Contingency planning of SLA depends on the record of the reasons for framework failures. Probable conception for the framework failure ought to be checked completely, and the alterations in substitute arrangement ought to be done according to the users needs. Cloud computing and the examination of its hazard plays a critical part in the systematic administration. The examination of risk management techniques helps in getting rid of the probability of dangers that can occur in the planning and designing phase of any cloud-based system used in the business. Organizations use such frameworks to set up and accomplish higher client and representative fulfillment evaluations (Valarmathi Uthariaraj, 2013). The authorization to access the assets with the assistance of numerous cloud services should be accomplished by the execution of SLA. The analysis includes the study of numerous factors and aspects of the risks or dangers that can occur while establishing the cloud-based payroll and file exchange system in the Child Protection. Such type of models and procedures can be utilized for the brief examination of the risk factors included in the cloud based system (Bhoj, Singhal, Chutani, 2001). The proprietors as well as managers who govern the management system of the Child Protection need to make sure that there is access to the data stored in the cloud model. Cloud computing, as well as storage frameworks, should have complete planning to recover the failure of the system ("SLA-Driven Dynamic Resource Management System for Private Clouds", 2013). Conclusion The data of the Child Protection is very essential and it should be managed and controlled with an appropriate and properly secured way. The Child Protection should always place the sensitive data in any of the private or secure places to avoid any type of hacking incidents which can affect the data accuracy. If the organization goes with SLA Assessment to secure its data, then it is the duty of the SLA management to completely secure the critical as well as sensitive data and place it confidentially. This report concludes that Child Protection should adopt SLA Assessment as a service model. It is also concluded that SLA Assessment, Disaster Recovery, and Data Backup procedures help in controlling and managing the applications, hardware as well as software requirements and it also helps to monitor the entire cloud computing surroundings carefully. References An enhanced automated, distributed, SLA for dynamic infrastructure management in real cloud environment using SEQ-BP(R)M algorithm. (2015).Ces. Bhoj, P., Singhal, S., Chutani, S. (2001). SLA management in federated environments.Computer Networks,35(1), 5-24. Jackson, K. (2012).OpenStack cloud computing cookbook. Birmingham: Packt Publishing. Katsikogiannis, G., Mitropoulos, S., Douligeris, C. (2013). Policy-based QoS management for SLA-driven adaptive routing.Journal Of Communications And Networks,15(3), 301-311. Nikolow, D., S?ota, R., Lakovic, D., Winiarczyk, P., Pogoda, M., Kitowski, J. (2012). Management methods in SLA-Aware distributed storage systems.Computer Science,13(3), 35. Paschke, A. Bichler, M. (2008). Knowledge representation concepts for automated SLA management.Decision Support Systems,46(1), 187-205. Rajarajeswari, C. Aramudhan, M. (2014). Ranking Model for SLA Resource Provisioning Management.International Journal Of Cloud Applications And Computing,4(3), 68-80. Rane, D. Sarma, M. (2015). CSLAT: an SLA template for cloud service management.International Journal Of Communication Networks And Distributed Systems,14(1), 19. SLA-Driven Dynamic Resource Management System for Private Clouds. (2013).International Journal Of Information Processing And Management,4(4), 97-108. Valarmathi, J. Uthariaraj, V. (2013). SLA Based Trust Management for a Pervasive Environment.Information Technology Journal,12(12), 2296-2305.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Pierre Auguste Renoir free essay sample
Pierre Auguste Renoir Renoir has so many eye pleasing works of art!! It would definitely be considered impressionism since he was one of the leaders of the impressionism movement in 1841. Renoir uses a kind of paint that stands out and shows how the lighting is highlighting the people or the other images in the painting. I would say that his work is kind of in between. The paintings have a lot of meaning but they represent what he wanted to see not just what he saw. He used friends, family, and lovers as the focus of several of the paintings as well as using the rivers and other scenes of Paris. I was really impressed with the deep detail in the faces of the individuals in his paintings. They were very detailed and showed emotions. Then the flowers and other things in the background and foreground were also detailed but were not as detailed where they popped out like the faces. We will write a custom essay sample on Pierre Auguste Renoir or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page After doing some research I was left very impressed with Renoir’s paintings. They show passion and emotions that words really cannot describe. The intense details in his paintings really show that he was doing something he wanted to be doing and enjoying every minute of it. In each painting Renoir uses a main focus point that he puts so much detail into just to make you feel how he felt as well as how the surroundings around the scene were. I was really evoked by the intense color and the way he used lighting in each individual painting. After looking at the paintings given from the link I was curious to see what else I could find from his fabulous collections. I must say I really enjoyed Renoir’s paintings and would love to find a couple of his pieces (at least duplicate) to place in my home for decoration. I honestly would not make a very good art critic other than to tell you if I like or dislike a piece†¦ But in Renoir’s case I will say that each and every piece from his collection is every form of pleasing to the human eye!!
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
From Atlas to Atlanticists
From Atlas to Atlanticists From Atlas to Atlanticists From Atlas to Atlanticists By Mark Nichol Intrigued by a reference to the political term Atlanticism, heretofore unbeknownst to me, I researched the history of the name of the ocean that separates the western and eastern hemispheres. This post defines and discusses these and related terms. Atlanticism, a term coined in 1950, refers to the concept of cooperation between the United States (and, to a lesser extent, Canada) and the countries of Europe, an idea that developed during World War II and was codified in the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1949. An advocate of the belief that this relationship is fundamental to geopolitical stability is an Atlanticist. The term, of course, is based on the name of the Atlantic Ocean, the body of water that separates North America and Europe. But where does Atlantic come from? That word, in reference to the seas beyond the Pillars of Hercules (a poetic name for the portal of the Mediterranean Ocean), dates to the classical Greek era and derives from the name of Atlas, a Titan who is said to have been condemned by the Olympic gods to hold up the heavens in perpetuity. (Titan is often depicted bearing Earth on his shoulders, but this image is based on confusion of the sky as a celestial sphere with a planetary globe.) This myth is associated with the Atlas Mountains, located in northwest Africa and flanking the southern side of the Pillars of Hercules, which metaphorically brace the sky. Because illustrations of Atlas were often prominently featured on illustrated maps during the Age of Exploration (starting in the fifteenth century), bound collections of maps came to be called atlases. (The origin of Atlas’s name is disputed; it is said to be either from a Proto-Indo-European root meaning â€Å"uphold†or a Berber word for mountain.) Another name derived from Atlas, by way of Atlantic, is Atlantis. This was the name Plato gave to an imaginary island employed allegorically in one of his philosophical commentaries. Unfortunately, later readers misinterpreted this fictional location as a real one, and pseudoscientific speculation has run rampant ever since, to the point that Atlantis is held up as a psychically and spiritually fueled utopia that tragically met its end by divinely caused inundation. (The name for an inhabitant of Atlantis is Atlantean.) Transatlantic (compare transpacific) describes something pertaining to a connection between the western and eastern hemispheres. Atlanta, the name of the capital of Georgia, resulted from the originally suggested designation Atlantica-Pacifica, inspired by the names of the oceans bordering the United States. (The name of the Pacific Ocean is from the adjective pacific, meaning â€Å"peaceful,†ultimately from the Latin word pax, meaning â€Å"peace.†) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Using "a" and "an" Before WordsSocial vs. SocietalThrew and Through
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Compare and contrast aspects of Arab identity as manifested in Essay
Compare and contrast aspects of Arab identity as manifested in Palestinian and Druze communities - Essay Example do not have their own country, similar to the Kurdish people of Turkey today who are fighting for their own homeland through an armed secessionist movement in northern Turkey. The Druze never had a single country to call as their own due to being scattered in many places a long time ago and did not seek any piece of land they can call as their own homeland. This makes the Druze unique in history. They were left out when the British partitioned and left Palestine but had steadfastly retained their identity. Palestinians live within the original geographic borders of Palestine situated in the regions encompassing Israel, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank. Except for those who took up Israeli or Jordanian citizenship or of some other country, Palestinians are stateless because they have no officially-recognized country. Palestinians and Druze think of themselves as Arabs but with sub-identities such as an Arab (national), civic (Israeli or Syrian), and religious as Druze, Christian or Muslim (Hofman & Rouhana 76). This paper discusses two films that portray how these Arab identities are expressed in art such as films which mirror a collective consciousness that is manifested by people who are trying to define themselves. The Druze community is very small when considered as an ethnic group and this very smallness makes the Druze persevere in their customs and practices. They are very decided to remain identified as a Druze although in some quarters, the word Druze is often derogatory. In their communities, the person considers himself or herself as Druze first and second as Syrian. Druze people in the Golan Heights consider themselves as Syrian citizens. The Druze already have a well-defined or clear social identity unlike the Palestinians who are still struggling to establish an identity. This difference is well contrasted in the two films being discussed. In the film â€Å"The Syrian Bride†it was shown how ephemeral this idea of citizenship is because the bride
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Impact of establishment of HCT in the Western Region Research Proposal - 1
Impact of establishment of HCT in the Western Region - Research Proposal Example Questionnaires- the questionnaires will be handed out door to door to the participants while. Open-ended questionnaires would be more appropriate to ensure that the participants feel they can speak their mind and are not restricted in any way. In addition, the questionnaires will also be handed out to the students in class to get their views. Focus groups will also be used. The participants will be grouped in accordance to age and areas where they reside to get their views on how the establishment of HCT colleges has affected the Western region. Simple random sampling was used to guarantee that all different points of view are taken into consideration. This will help in ascertaining that the data collected is accurate and that it reflects what the entire population believes and not just a partial part of the population is used in the analysis (Kothari,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Cultural Event Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cultural Event - Essay Example t in the modern world is the festival stands for reaffirmation of hope, religious tolerance, a renewed commitment to friendship, spreading the word of peace and harmony and above all, celebration of â€Å"simple joys of life†. For many Hindus, Diwali is also the New Year’s Eve and it is held on the final day of the Vikram calendar, a type of Hindu calendar followed by Indians from the Northern part of the country. The day after Diwali is known as Annakut and it is considered as New Year’s Day for Hindus living in the Northern part of India (Diwali Festival 498). Diwali is always in October and November on the Gregorian calendar (Hindu Council of Australia para 2-6). The festival is accompanied by various rituals with the choice of ritual to be performed by an individual depending on the location of that particular person. However, lighting of candles, electric lights and fireworks is the most common practice for many Indians when they are celebrating Diwali festival. As the name suggests, ‘rows of lights’ are lit in the new moon night as a way of welcoming Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and on Bengal, to honor the goddess Kali who is so honored (Hindu Council of Australia para 2 -6). In other words, Diwali is celebrated at night more than during the day. Indians attribute much value to the Diwali symbols since they consider them to bring forth the significance of Diwali. The symbols stand for happiness and prosperity which is celebrated with great zest and enthusiasm because Diwali many Hindus associate the festival with prosperity and wealth (Anon para3-9). Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi are the most important symbols of Diwali and people literally worship them on this special day. Lord Ganesha represents good luck whereas Goddess Lakshmi is believed to be the Mother of Wealth. Other common symbols include Earthenware, lamp fireworks, candles, Diwali diyas, fireworks and oil Diwali lamps just to mention a few. During this ramrkable day, people share
Friday, November 15, 2019
LOreal International Strategy
LOreal International Strategy The cosmetic industry can be analysed using Porters five forces framework, by identifying threats of New Entrants, Industry Competitors Suppliers, Substitutes and Buyers. According to Euromonitor International (2008), the threat of new entrants into the cosmetic markets is low, considering that majority of the market is already owned by leading companies such as LOreal, Unilever, Proctor and Gamble (Appendix 4). Hence, it would be extremely difficult for a new firm to establish their brand name, due to the intensity of competition. Since there are few differentials between products, and due to strategic objective of growth by business rivalry is high. Porter (2004) Therefore it can be argued the American barrier to entry into the industry is fairly low, which is a key driver for globalisation. However if a new firm is unable to compete there is the possibility of business failure or threat of being acquired by leading manufactures. Due to the industry leaders acquiring a variety of cosmetics, hair and beauty companies, consumers have the option of an array of substitute products; as a result this lowers the industry attractiveness and sets a limit on price levels. However in order to overcome the issues LOreal have established a prestigious brand image based on quality and allowing them to higher price compared to their competitors. This allows the bargaining power of buyers to be greater, since there are many sellers in the industry and fewer dominant buyers. The bargaining power of supplier is currently low, since majority of the establish firms do not require dependence on suppliers to supply cosmetic products. Porter (2004) Therefore in order to identify LOreals position with in the industry a SWOT analysis has been conducted, (Appendix 2). LOreal, How it Began The French company LOreal started in 1909, with production of worlds first hair colour product. The products were first sold in Parisian hair salons, using very tight production, sales and marketing strategy and by 1912 the products were distributed in other European regions such as Italy and the Netherlands (LOreal: 2010). According to LOreal (2010), in order first build on their brand portfolio, the company had acquired a number of French companies such as Lancome and Garnier, thereby diversifying into other markets, such as upscale perfumes and cosmetics. The acquisitions had allowed LOreal to increase their range of products among mass distributors and by 1970 eighty percent of company sales were coming from France, (Cardona: 2000). Hence the company became Frances leading beauty company, however the international presence was still little and the concept of expensive Parisian products by consumers limited LOreal ability to expand into international markets. According to Cardona (2000), LOreal first entered the American Market in 1954 by forming a licensee with the cosmetics and hair product company Cosmair Inc. Licensing as method of entry into the market involves LOreal granting rights under contract to intangible property. This had LOreal at began by distributing their products to U.S. beauty salons, however the company presence was still small due to the company brands being managed individually. Hence, without a licence it could have proven difficult for LOreal to enter the market, consider that there product was unfamiliar to the American market. Also this had allowed LOreal to understand the American market, the buyer behaviour and level of competition. However, According to Bartlett and Ghoshal (1989) the disadvantage of this method is it forces LOreal to depend on the skills, abilities and resources of the licensee as the source of revenue. However it is further argued by Cardona (2000), that LOreal acquired Cosmair Inc in 1994, which enabled the company to further strategise its influence in the American market and acquire cosmetics company Maybelline in 1996. According to Ono (1995) Maybelline was Americas third largest cosmetics company, sold mostly in supermarkets, cosmetic speciality stores and mass market discount stores. LOreal believed by improving the Maybellines products, marketing and brand image would give the products huge international potential. According to Edmondson et al (1999), this gave LOreal entry into the younger consumer base from the affluent European consumer base, due to its strong American brand image. Maybelline was a cheaper product, carried a wider distribution network and a wider product range which appealed to a vast number of ethnic consumers in America and outside. As a result, LOreals sales from Maybelline outside the United States had grown by fifty percent (Edmondson: 1999). The acq uisition of these businesses gave LOreal a seventeen percent share of the $2.3 billion U.S. cosmetics industry, (Ono: 1995). Therefore it can be argued the mode of entry into the market soon developed into strategic acquisitions, in order to pursue the strategy of growth and internationalisation. This method according to Bartlett and Ghoshal (1989), allows LOreal spread risk and reduce the level of competition since rivals are take over. This has also given LOreal greater market share for horizontal integration within the industry and thus allowing them to charge higher price for their products. However Bartlett and Ghoshal (1989) further argue this mode of entry can often cause clash in cultures, which is discuss further in this report. According to LOreal (2010), during 1980s the company had purchased stakes in two additional American companies, the cosmetics maker Helena Rubinstein and Ralph Lauren Fragrances. Both firms were later fully acquired in 1988 and 1990. Weil (2006) argues, even though Helena Rubinstein had lost most of their product appeal among American consumers, LOreal believed with effective merchandising and a complete re-launch of the brand, the products would be successful in the U.S. Market. This was due to the brand having a good position in other regions such as Europe and Asia, where Helena Rubinstein products were considered upscale, according to Weil (2006). On the other hand, the acquisition of Ralph Lauren Fragrances was completed in order to strengthen LOreals luxury products division, which possessed a smaller mass market fragrances brand (LOreal: 2010). Due to Ralph Lauren established brand image and excellent distribution networks with stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue, it had allowed LOreal to enter a younger consumer market. It had been identified that the key acquisition for LOreal in order to increase their global presence was through the purchase of Kiehls, in 2000. According to Anon (2000), Kiehls was a important addition to LOreals luxury product division, offering a diverse range of specialised products for the high cost segment of the market from perfumes, skin, body and hair care. Thus by acquiring Kiehls, LOreals was able to increase their product range and influence on American society. Considering that LOreal had expensive multi-million pound advertising campaigns, Kiehls did not require such advertising due to exclusivity of the products at the time and its recognition among famous individuals (Anon: 2000). This had allowed LOreal to grow, with the company revenue increasing yearly, (LOreal: 2009). Therefore the acquisitions of such major U.S. companies allowed LOreal to increase its global presence and enter new emerging markets. Also the company has been able to develop an effective internal organisation, which is split into Consumer Products, Professional Products and Luxury Products. Due to these factors approximately twenty to twenty five percent of the company annual revenue comes from the United States (Cardona: 2000). Diversifying into Other Markets LOreal had acquired the professional hair product company Redken in 1993. This acquisition had allowed LOreal improve the structure of their hair product division, due to Redkens extensive distribution networks (LOreal: 2010). Hence LOreal had reassessed the company hair care division to focus on the sales to salons and hairdressers. Compared to the European market where luxury hair products were sold in department stores, in the U.S. luxury hair products were primarily sold in hair salons and speciality beauty supply stores. According to Nichol (2010), LOreal was able to increase their revenue, since sales from salons carried a higher profit margin compared to mass market hair products. Hence, LOreals sales from the professional hair care division had provided one third of the companys sales from hair care (LOreal: 2010). According to Morais (2000), in 1998 and 2000, LOreal had made a combined strategic acquisition of the companies Soft Sheen and Carson, in order to enter the ethnic hair care market. Soft sheen was one of the leading American ethnic hair care products and Carson had an eighty two percent share of the U.S ethnic hair care market. Rhea (1997) argues in particular the acquisition of Carson had helped LOreal to entire the South African market which was worth an estimated market value of one billion dollars, due to the establish presence Carson had already developed. LOreal had saw the entrance into the American market particularly important, since African Americans represent 12.85% of the American population (Appendix 1) and accounted for thirty percent of the total U.S. hair care expenditure, totalling $1.2 billion in 1997 (Morais: 2000). The purchase of the companies allowed LOreal to increase their distribution channels further, since majority of sales come from wholesales such as Costco and beauty shops. According to Morais (2000), the market is fragmented, and mostly responsive to word of mouth, hence does not require much advertising or promotions. From the analysis it can be identified that LOreal has followed the Uppsala Model (Appendix 6) in the process of internationalisation. The model illustrates the gradual international expansion of the company by the four stages. In stage one; it was LOreals objective to first build a presence in the American market through a licensee with Cosmair rather than make a large foreign direct investment. This allowed the company to develop market knowledge in order to control the international expansion within the American market. Therefore this method of entry was the most idyllic approach for LOreal, since according to Forsgren (2002) business will enter a new market using the lowest possible resource commitment and expand from there on to establish the firm. As a result, LOreal was able to control the level of risk and eventually increase resource commitment. In Stage two, LOreal had exported their products through independent representatives in America through regional middlemen. In the third stage, LOreal had made establishment of sales subsidiary through Helena Rubinstein and Ralph Lauren Fragrances. According to Forsgren (2002), in this stage LOreal is able to collect about market conditions, leading to a more wide market experience and give greater information regarding factors of language, culture and political system. In stage four LOreal had established a foreign production facility in the American market. Intensity of Competition for LOreal As seen on Appendix 4 the level of competition in the cosmetic industry is high however due to LOreal strategic international strategy the company has been able to be the industry leader. This was accomplished due to LOreal developing brands in different market segments and vast distribution channels in mass market, hair salon products, pharmacies and department stores, (LOreal: 2009). Due to the companys operations in different markets, LOreal experiences a high number of challenges from competitors in different markets. According to Drier (2004) in the consumer cosmetics division, the main competitors for LOreal are Proctor Gamble, Revlon and Unilever. Similar to LOreal, Proctor Gamble had established brands in health, beauty as well as household care. The company become a major competitor for LOreal due to the companys acquisition of Clairol in 2001, Gillette in 2005 and majority stake in hair care brand Wella in 2003. Hence, Proctor and Gamble was one of the leading cosmetics businesses in the United States, where it had a seventy percent share of the American market from its hair colour brand Clairol (Drier: 2004). Hence a key globalisation driver for LOreal was to enter the hair care market, which was accomplished by the acquisition of Redken and rather than mass-market LOreal concentrated on specialised hair salons. In addition, Unilever had also streamlined their brand portfolio, by developing similar strategies to that of LOreal and Proctor and Gamble. The company had developed a competitive advantage by identifying potential acquisitions. For example, the purchase of American business Chesebrough-Pond, allowed Unilever to become one of the world leaders in personal care and cosmetics, (Anon: 1997). Therefore in order to compete, LOreal has developed their competitive advantage by positioning the business above the drug store cosmetic brands such as Revlon. Their marketing strategy has allowed them to establish a prestigious brand name; LOreal has been able to charge high prices. According Trout and Rivkin (2009), in order for companies to charge higher prices, the products should offer prestige, thus consumers will pay a little more for the perceived value. Hence, by putting a particular emphasis on their packaging and advertising campaigns using celebrity models, the company has perceived the brand as elegant among consumers, (LOreal: 2010). It can also be argued that LOreals factor of success in the industry is due to being able to develop a comparative advantage over competitors by making a powerful commitment to research and development. According to (La Roche-Posay: 2005), the company had invested $612 million on research in 2005, which was three percent in turnover compared to the industry average. As a result LOreal was able to significantly reduce production costs and the purchasing cost of goods for the company fell to nineteen percent of sales compared to there rivals Wella, who had cost of twenty five percent, (Morais: 2000). Therefore it can be argued that LOreal competitive strategy falls into Porters Differentiation strategy as seen on Appendix 7. This is due to LOreals high research and development costs and acquisitions of companies such as Soft Sheen which involves producing a range of products that meets the specific needs of the consumer segments. Thus by creating uniqueness and developing a prestigious brand image, LOreal is able to charge high prices for their products compared to the competitors. According to Porter (2004), this lowers the sensitivity to price of the brand loyal customers and can also act as a, entry barrier for new firms. It is further argue that, this strategy could generate higher revenue than the low cost strategy, due to the development of high barrier to entry and therefore making it difficult for new businesses to enter. However, the higher price is likely to result in a lower volume of sales and thus one strategy will not necessarily mean high profit than the other. It is argued by Kim et al (2005), the competition based strategy of Porter is not sufficient to sustain high business performance and firms should develop new growth opportunities through value innovation. In order for value innovation to be created for both the company and buyer, the company must discover unused areas of the market and create the new demand. Thereby focus is shifted towards innovation rather than competition. LOreals Organisational Structure It can be identified from Appendix 3 that LOreal has incorporated a matrix organisational structure. According to Bartlett and Ghoshal (1990), matrix structures tend to be complex and combines two or more organisational responsibilities. For example, the CEO of LOreal is placed at the Head office located in France, with the top regional leaders reporting directly to the CEO. The responsibility of the division executives is to manage the brand strategy, global brand sales, profitability and marketing. The Region Managers (i.e. Asia, U.S.A, Africa and Europe) are responsible for the sales in their region and executing sales strategies. The strategies are developed by brand teams based in their respective region; and brand teams work closely with their division executives in order to implement effective marketing strategies within the region. Hence, in order to maintain an effective level of communication, managers of each country often keep close relationship with the general managers of each brand to identify needs of the specific country. In return, the general mangers provide information on marketing strategies for their region and product development ideas, which then requires co-operation with Research Development. Cogmap, (2009) However, Bartlett and Ghoshal (1990) argue a matrix structure can prove to be unmanageable in the international context, since multiple reporting often leads to confusion and creates overlapping responsibilities. As a result distance is created between language, culture and time. LOreal have avoid such problems by keeping a strong central oversight over executives of each division, since it then allows LOreal to identify whether each executive is effectively managing the division and the responsible regional mangers, to ensure there is no redundant work or conflicting interests. Therefore the implementation of the matrix structure has allowed LOreal to save costs, as fewer people are required due to employees sharing information between different projects. In addition, resource sharing saves time and costs, since those employees engaging in different projects often share related information. Hence it has been identified by Appendix 3, that LOreals executives work on more than one project at a time and keep a regular flow of information about the progress of the company, this has made the company stronger since different departments are working together and not against each other. Cultural Issues for LOreal It has been identified that LOreal had experienced number of cultural issues, due to their international strategy to become a global brand. When LOreal had decided to enter the American market through licensee with Cosmair in 1954, the company had faced cultural differences. According to Sharma (2010), compared to the European Market, in the American market LOreal was required to have business relationship with local middlemen rather than national distributors in order to distribute product to salons. This had become significantly difficult for the company, since LOreals presence within the U.S. market was limited, such relationships was hard to acquire. In addition, American salons were also unfamiliar with the quality of the products and disagreed on selling such goods. To resolve the issue, LOreals primary goal was now to increase there global presence and was accomplished by strategic international expansion and by taking the company public in 1963. According to Sharma (2010) LOreals strategy was to sell cosmetics through different channels of distribution; which in turn affected the macro economic levels of sales. The four types of distribution channels from professional salon hair specialists, beauty advisors, medically trained advisors in pharmacies and self service department stores allowed LOreal to develop their international presence and acquire a competitive advantage over competitors. Political Risks However, LOreal had now once faced issues while operating in Europe. After the company had become a publicly traded company in 1963, LOreal was under threat of state control by the French government and feared that the company strategies for international growth would be jeopardised. Hence, LOreal took steps to internationalise the ownership structure, in order to prevent the government control by selling fifty percent of LOreal stock to french personal care manufacturer Gesparal and keeping other half of the company publicly traded (Moodie: 2004). According to Balassa (1985), the reason for the French government to take ownership was due to threat from international companies. Therefore the French political system considered that it could provide security to the French communities trade by subsidising and directing publicly owned companies. Since, LOreal had become publicly traded in 1963 the company was prone to come under state influence. Using Yips model (Appendix 8), it can be identified one of the key globalisation drivers for LOreal to enter the cosmetics market is growth of global and regional channels. This is a key market driver, since it has allowed the company to develop their distribution channels worldwide. By entering the American market and acquiring ready established brands, LOreal was able to access the acquired companys resources. Another market driver can be identified from Appendix 1, which indicates that America has an aging population, therefore demand for LOreals anti-aging products have increased. These products success were a result of the companys extensive investment in research and development. It has been identified that global acquisitions by consumer product companies also acted as a competitive driver. Since, the existence of various global competitors had indicated that the industry is good for globalisation; where global competitors have the cost advantage over local businesses, accordi ng to Bartlett and Ghoshal (1989). One of the key reasons for LOreals globalisation development is due to the lowering of trade and investment policies internationally, where GATT (General Agreement of Tariff and Trade) have made free trade agreements between participating countries. According to Hill (2007), this can also benefit the countries that do not have a large amount of sources to utilise their resources and hence encourage foreign direct investment companies to invest.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
How Does Sir Arthur Conan Doyle create atmosphere in chapter 6? Essay
In â€Å"the Hound of the Baskervilles†, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle describes the atmosphere in depth frequently; usually the atmosphere reflects the mood of the chapter. Also he cleverly uses the atmosphere to show a comparison between good and evil, for example in chapter 6, between the Devonshire Moors and Baskerville Hall. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle introduces atmosphere in key events throughout the book, this is used to provide suspense and set the tone. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle uses comparisons such as the lush countryside as opposed the gloomy moor to create an atmosphere and set the scene. As Sherlock Holmes, Dr Mortimer and Dr Watson travel through the county on the train the author describes the immediate changes. â€Å"Brown earth had become ruddy†, this is used to show how the earth had become fresher and red. This also shows that the Devonshire countryside is a good/safe place. â€Å"Lush grasses†¦ luxuriant vegetation†is used to describe the richness and the quality of the Devonshire land. It also creates an image that Devonshire is safe as shows no evil, unlike Baskerville Hall. â€Å"Lush†and â€Å"luxuriant†are very descriptive words, and show the reader that everything is all right and creates a good, calm atmosphere. As the reader can compare â€Å"lush grasses†to summer green fields, this sets a homely atmosphere. Young Baskerville shows the reader that the countryside is easy on the eyes, as it states, â€Å"Young Baskerville stared eagerly†, and gives the impression that he is ecstatic to be there. â€Å"Stared†shows he is admiring the scenery while â€Å"eagerly†puts emphasis on how he wants to see more and is keen to take everything in of the Devonshire countryside. As they travel through and beyond the countryside the mood of the passengers begin to change as Young Baskerville starts explaining â€Å"his fathers death†, this sets a depressive mood/atmosphere which is later matched up with the outside scenery. â€Å"His father†sets a chilling mood, as the readers know that his father carried a curse, also â€Å"death†sets a depressing mood and reminds everyone of the case and takes them away from the lush countryside. â€Å"Green squares. †¦ Distance a grey†this is a major comparison between the countryside and moor. The countryside is green and safe while the moor is grey and evil. The introduction of â€Å"Melancholy Hill†sets an atmosphere, as melancholy shows a depressive and a gloomy state of mind. This shows the atmosphere and mood for the moor, which is opposite to the lush green one of the countryside. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle uses the word ‘melancholy’ to describe the hill not direct to the atmosphere; this is used throughout the book to let the reader decide upon the atmosphere. â€Å"Strange jagged summit†is used to demonstrate that the moor in itself is strange but â€Å"jagged summit†shows a weird unclear thing possibly hostile and uninviting. This â€Å"jagged summit†may represent the hound, as we are unclear of the truth or it could represent a strange unnerving atmosphere on the moor. As they travel through the moor they spot a man with a â€Å"dark and expressive face†, dark shows an element of evil, as a dark atmosphere is often seen as a negative evil one. â€Å"Expressive face†shows the feeling that the man is in, and as it is linked with dark it shows an angry, depressing face which links to the Melancholy Hill.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Collectivism, New Right Essay
Collectivism focuses on the government’s responsibility of providing health and social care services to society which is funded by taxation and National Insurance. This approach is an example of a political response to meeting the needs of identified welfare. In all societies there are groups which are more vulnerable than others such as children, the elderly and people with mental or physical impairments. In some society’s, their care will be seen as the responsibility of the individual or their families whereas in others it will be seen as the responsibility of larger groups such as the local community or religious groups. Since the Poor Law was passed in 1601, the state has been responsible for the care of the vulnerable but there was still no significant change until the 19th century; the birth of the Welfare State occurred after the Second World War. In 1942 the Beveridge Report provided the foundation for the creation of a wide range of welfare services. Lord Beveridge’s Report on Social Insurance and Allied Services identified five giant evils which are holding back society: Want (poverty), Squalor (poor housing), Idleness (unemployment), Ignorance (inadequate education) and Disease (ill health). He felt these needed to be addressed urgently by the state. The New Right approach considers the responsibility of the vulnerable to be placed upon the individuals and their families and that the state should only play a minimal role in their care. This idea was not fully challenged until the election of Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative government in 1979 as they believed that the state should play as smaller role as possible in welfare provision as it was mainly the responsibility of the individual and their family. The New Right saw state support to be creating a highly dependent society in which independence was dwindling. Mrs Thatcher saw welfare as producing a society which was reliant on benefits rather than a society which was able to take responsibilities for its own needs and plan ahead for the future.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Economic Values as Seen in Charlie And The Chocolate Factory essays
Economic Values as Seen in Charlie And The Chocolate Factory essays In the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Willy Wonka, the owner of the world known chocolate factory, decides to give out five golden tickets packed in the chocolate bars he produces. Winners of the golden tickets can go into the factory for a one day tour. Charlie Bucket, coming from a poor family, surprisingly finds the last golden ticket and goes into the factory for an amazing life changing tour. I found a few economic ideas throughout this movie, such as supply and demand, substitution effect, opportunity cost, and scarcity. I will explain how these principles were used in the movie. In When Shelf-Based Scarcity Impacts Consumer Preferences, Parker (2011) analyzed how scarcity affected peoples choices. I used this information to describe how scarcity was presented in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In Consumer demand for chocolate stays sweet, Mintel research group analyzed the market demand and gave out the sales report of the UK chocolate industry. I used this information to support my analysis of the use of supply and demand in the movie. In Rolling up the rim to success, Moskowitz (2011) described the promotion method used to maximize company's profit. I used this as an example to support my ideas on consumers buying incentives. Scarcity was presented in the first part of the movie. The factory owner, Willy Wonka, gave out only five tickets in the millions of chocolate bars. According to Sowell (2003), a famous American economist, The first lesson of economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it (p.138) . In When Shelf-Based Scarcity Impacts Consumer Preferences, Parker (2011) said that scarcity affected products attractiveness: Scarcity increases consumers preference for desirable, but not undesirable goods. Potential causes of scarcity effects include reactance and, naive eco...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Development in Architecture essays
Development in Architecture essays Architecture is the practice of building design and its resulting products, however customary usage refers only to the designs and structures that are culturally significant. Architecture is to building as literature is to the printed word. According to Vitruvius, a 1sts of such works of art are the Pyramids of Giza, the Lions gate at Mycenae, the Parthenon, the Colosseum, the Hagia Sophia, and the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Each of these buildings tells the story of the culture that produced it, and by studying the development of architecture; one can see the development of religions, ideas, and beliefs. The three pyramids at Giza in Egypt, Cheops, Khafre, and Menkaure, are among the most famous pieces of architecture in the world and they are also the first buildings with innovative architecture. Each Egyptian ruler was obsessed with constructing a tomb for himself more impressive and longer lasting than that of his predecessors. Before the 4th Dynasty (begins c. 2680 BC) Egyptian royal burial took the form of the mastaba, an archetypal rectangular mass of masonry. This evolved into the stepped pyramid and finally into the fully refined pyramid. The development of the pyramid reached its climax during the Fourth Dynasty in the famous triad of great pyramids at Giza...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
International Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 4
International Marketing - Essay Example The company acquired Land Rover in the year 2000 from BMW and Jaguar cars in the year 1989. Presently the company is employing more than 25000 employees. Net income of the company is ? 1.215 billion. The next portion of the study has been divided into two sections. The first section will deal with the discussion of the marketing mix for the Evoque product of Jaguar Land Rover for targeting the low end customers at the entry level. The second section deals with discussing the marketing mix of the premium Evoque product in order to target the high end customers for competing with the products like BMW X3, Audi Q5 etc. Marketing Mix of Evoque Cars of Jaguar Land Rover Marketing Mix is considered as one of the most important business tools which help in determining the four P’s involved in the planning of marketing strategy. The four P’s include Product, Price, Place and Promotions. This marketing mix will help in providing set of policies on the basis of mentioned four Pâ €™s so that it can act as an essential marketing strategy for influencing the purchase decision of the customers. The main reason behind any business’s success includes a long procedure in which achieving success depends upon marketing. The success linked to marketing depends upon different marketing strategies and all these marketing strategies include 4 P’s of marketing. The marketing mix of Evoque vehicles of Jaguar Land Rover will provide the best possible way of mentioning all the essential elements in marketing. The implementation of marketing strategies in an appropriate manner is important for the achievement of success in the operational market. The marketing mix will give the combination of various important marketing strategies planned by Jaguar Land Rover (Belohlavek, 2008). Each of the four P’s is important for planning such a marketing mix, which would be able to attract the customers easily towards the organization. It will help in determining the profit potential of Jaguar Land Rover meant for separate target segments. a) Marketing mix for targeting low end of the market Product Product means those goods or services which are provided to customers by the organizations. There are different elements connected to the products which help in attracting the customers (Masterson and Pickton, 2010; Hobbs, 2011). The Range Rover Evoque has brought sensational design to the world’s leading marques. The excellent power train technology along with the compact foot prints help in delivering high performance along with reduced carbon dioxide emissions and fuel consumption as compared to any other Range Rover model (Jaguar Land Rover, 2013b). The products are styled with such desirability which cannot be matched by any rival. The Evoque provides various facilities like accurate and fast steering. The ride is such that it possesses the capability of absorbing the imperfections present in the road surface. The vehicles are perfec t while exploring the city by means of power, high performance and excellent design at the finger tips. There are unique models, all present in 5 door version: Prestige, Pure and Dynamic. Only Dynamic is present in the Coupe Version. Customer research is known as one of the key elements in developing or planning the most effective marketing mix. The knowledge of an
Friday, November 1, 2019
Scientific Journals Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Scientific Journals - Term Paper Example BP is British Petroleum (Alexander, 2010). Three months later, the spill oil was blocked and about half of the oil spilled was removed through evaporation, natural dissolution, and human action (Ocean Conservancy, 2010). However, about half of the estimated 4.9 million barrels of oil had already polluted the environment (Ocean Conservancy, 2010). Rather than blaming the BP, a House panel blamed a rig device for failure to cut the oil flow (Doggett, 2010). In May 2010, the BP and the US government jointly estimated that more than 5,000 barrels a day of crude has been leaking into the environment and scientists warned of an environmental damage that could rival the 1989 Exxon spill in Alaska (Ball & Hughes, 2010). Other scientists say, however, that the spill may be more than 10 times the 5,000 barrels-a-day joint estimate of the US government and the BP (Ball & Hughes, 2010). On the month, US scientists estimated that the oil spill â€Å"could cause more of Louisiana’s retreating marshland revert to open water†(Ball and Hughes, 2010, 4th paragraph). U.S. Greenpeace, a leading environmental group, has her own interpretation of the timeline of the BP oil spill disaster (2010). According to the Greenpeace US, as early as 2007, the US Interior Department’s Mineral Management Services (MMS) has acquired data that oil-drilling projects are marked with a history of accidents, fires, and deaths (Greenpeace, 2010). In July 2008, a top agency manager of the MMS was criminally charged for having conflicts of interest with oil companies (Greenpeace, 2010). Yet, however, the MMS was allowed to give BP an exclusion from the US National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirement to prepare an environmental impact statement for BP’s drilling operations (Greenpeace, 2010). Based on the â€Å"timeline†of the Greenpeace (2010), the BP oil spill can be blamed to the lax application of US environmental policies as well as to the congruence of
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
What do we mean by Online marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
What do we mean by Online marketing - Essay Example oted within the traditional format of advertising, it is also not uncommon to see the advertiser promote the website and encourage the potential consumer to visit as a means of gaining further information with regards to the product. However, each of these approaches are only part of online marketing or Internet advertising. Ultimately, Internet advertising and online marketing is concentric upon providing web banners, mobile advertising within applications, ad servers, or other promotional marketing messages their delivered through websites that are not otherwise associated with the particular good/product/service that is being offered (Lambrecht & Tucker, 2013). From the brief list that is been provided above, it can definitively be noted that online advertising is a very broad sector that allows for an organization/firm/entity to direct their message to a specific demographic in a way that traditional advertising did not allow. For instance, if a particular company is attempting to market specifically towards individuals within a younger demographic, they will most likely target their online advertising to appear on websites that are frequented by individuals within this younger demographic. By means of comparison, if an older demographic is targeted, websites relating to products or services that individuals within this older demographic readily consume will be placed. One of the unique aspects of online marketing has to do with the fact that the advertiser can generate unique statistics with regards to the overall impact of the particular marketing tactic. For instance, as compared to a print advertisement or a form of marketing that is predicated upon blindly targeting a wide spectrum of the population, these specific level of engagement that can be had with regards to online marketing also allows for the marketer to generate unique usage statistics, click percentages, and the amount of time that individuals is viewing a particular page (Schulze et al.,
Monday, October 28, 2019
Toxicity of Energy Drinks Essay Example for Free
Toxicity of Energy Drinks Essay The new millennium has ushered in a wave of synthetic, caffeinated high-energy drinks targeted at the youth market. Over the past 10 years, the consumption of caffeinated beverages intended to â€Å"energise†has increased significantly. Energy drinks were recently shown to comprise 20% of the total convenience store beverage market, with â€Å"Red Bull†and â€Å"V†accounting for over 97% of sales in this multimillion-dollar industry. 1 Increasingly, toxicity from caffeine overdose is being reported to hospitals and poisons centres. The main active constituents of energy drinks include varying amounts of caffeine, guarana extract, taurine and ginseng. Additional amino acids, vitamins and carbohydrates usually complete the list of purportedly beneficial ingredients. 2 The intended effects of energy drinks are to provide sustenance and improve performance, concentration and endurance. Manufacturers pitch their product to athletes, students and people in professions that require sustained alertness. These drinks are also commonly consumed at dance parties, which require sustained energy for prolonged activity into late hours. In this setting, they may also be combined with alcohol and recreational drugs such as ecstasy (MDMA; 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) or other amphetamines. Young adults and adolescents are particularly attracted to energy drinks because of effective product marketing, peer influence and a lack of knowledge of the potential harmful effects. 3-5 The high sugar content in caffeinated energy drinks is similar to other soft drinks and is known to contribute to obesity. 6Adverse reactions and toxicity from high-energy drinks stem primarily from their caffeine content. 7 The sympathomimetic effects of high-dose caffeine mostly explain the symptoms and hospital presentations related to energy drinks. There is little published literature on the extent and epidemiology of this problem. Indeed, a recent literature review on the effects of energy drinks in children and adolescents found only eight case reports on medical complications from energy drinks. 8 Our study was undertaken to obtain an understanding of the scope of consumption-related issues and toxicity from caffeinated energy drinks in Australia by analysing data from calls to the NSW Poisons Information Centre (NSWPIC)  the largest centre of its type in Australia, taking about 110 000 calls per year, which is 50% of all poisoning-related calls in the country. Methods We undertook a retrospective review at the NSWPIC. Data included calls providing advice to the general public and health professionals. Calls from New South Wales, Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory are exclusively handled by NSWPIC from 6 am to midnight; an after-hours call-sharing system is in place with interstate poisons centres. Ethics approval was obtained from the human research ethics committee of the Children’s Hospital at Westmead.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Society Effects On Gender Roles In Malawi Essay examples --
Society Effects On Gender Roles In Malawi Ivy Tech Vocational Collage The seventeenth and eighteenth century was a time of many struggles with many nations. Slave traders, immigrants and Christian missionaries where some of the troubles brought on by changes happening. While it was a time of change the Malawi people came together and formed this alliance of the Nyau . Mostly to form a resistance. Nyau appealed to the people because it brought their culture together instead of the quilted nature of the other cultures. Through the Nayu the Gule Wamkulu was founded they are a society of men . Chinamwali is a female society . In the early twentieth century the Presbyterians and Catholics condemned the Nyau and the Chinamwali as heinous. Asking the native people to denounce both. People in charge of the ceremonies where uncertain of the future. Missionaries where questioning the ritual ceromines and the children not being in school. Giving the opinion that these children are coerced to join these groups a roadblock to their learning keeping them out of school. The government was asked to step in however , decided not to interfere in this matter . Writing on the Nyau subject reports that the researcher Woods (1991/1992) for example ‘illustrates how lineage elders to establish a new hegemony that enabled them to control the lineage when other indigenous forms of authority nearly collapsed during the colonial era. â€Å" Informing the reader that the Nyau was a strong force not easily broken or infiltrated. Through the course of time the Nyau had less of a need . Times had changed slavery was not as prevalent the immigration had elevated, however the missionaries remained , leaving them with... . Often this is done so that the other wives can make money harvesting crops . The husband can take care of the finances. Having many wives can make for having more children which is a status symbol. His wife may become unbecoming so he may aquire another wife. Sometimes a husband will take a luphatho in the form of a basket of maize flour and one chicken which is taken by the wife herself to her parents to ask for the sister’s hand in marriage. If the parents accept the luphatho the formal processes of paying for the bride price is instituted and finally the young sister joins her sister as a second wife. Women are not allowed to marry more than one man. Works Cited Groves, Z. (2012). Urban Migrants and Religious Networks: Malawians in Colonial Salisbury, 1920 to 1970. Journal Of Southern African Studies, 38(3), 491-511. doi:10.1080/03057070.2012.707507
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Red Dead Redemption Analysis
Critical Analysis of a Game: Red Dead Redemption Professor Shawn Graham Jad Slaibeh 100804020 Submitted: Thursday February 7th 2013 The game I have chosen for my critical analysis is Red Dead Redemption. Red Dead Redemption was made, published, and engineered by a company called Rockstar Games (Rockstar Website). The major distributor of the game is a company who happens to own Rockstar, Take-Two interactive. Being one of the most successful video game developers to date, Rockstar is famous for creating the popular and controversial game series Grand Theft Auto.Rockstar differs very much from other video game developers because they are one of few who have grown and experienced the advancement of video games in terms of graphics and gameplay. Rockstar is known for revolutionizing the concept of having an open world in console video games. This was not originally the case and happened over years of expansion. Rockstar’s first game was released on the original PlayStation. The g ame is called Grand Theft Auto. Its camera was in a bird’s eye view with basic 3D graphics consisting of repetitive player movements. In comparison to today, the game was really quite simple in terms of graphics and game play.The game lacked a larger narrative. Its gameplay was based mostly around the options of stealing cars, doing hits for gang members, killing civilians, and evading the police. This lack of narrative and focus on violence may be one of the reasons why Rockstar dealt with a lot of controversy from the media. As Rockstar grew and released multiple titles, their video games utilized the advancement in technology to create a larger narrative. Using Rockstar Advanced Game Engine (RAGE), Rockstar developed third person 3D modeled sandbox game (Ogilvie, 2010). With this new open world, the game developers were able to explore more narrative options.Red Dead Redemption used their graphical improvements to allow for new historical representations such as: talking N PCs with their own ethnicity and culture and NPCs who show facial emotion and body language. This allows players to connect better with the world Rockstar has created because they represent what people are familiar with. Rockstar had greatly passed simple storyline of Grand Theft Auto. This is why I chose Red Dead Redemption. It excels in the ability of experiencing a fun and highly skilled game while having improved representations of people, stories, and histories.They do so through implementing character traits in certain NPCs. The NPCs are programmed primarily in two ways. One is to help the player in their quest by providing information to solve the main problem space. The other is to try and stop the player; this creates another problem space that the player must solve. The addition of these advanced NPCs really helped Rockstar deliver a story to their players. They force the player to constantly see familiar NPCs which creates a bond between them and the player. These NPCs fo rce you to make many moral decisions throughout the game.These moral choices the player has to make adds a great deal of advancement to the narrative because the game is programed to change based on these decisions. If the player was to help a gang of thieves raid a site in order to get money, civilians would remember due to the decrease in honour and news would spread. Decisions the player makes affect how NPCs, such as townsfolk or sheriffs, approach the player in the game. If the player was riding their horse along a prairie road and happened to see a gang of thieves taking someone hostage, the player could kill or hogtie the bandits and their honour meter would go increase.These decisions program NPCs to now feel safe around the player by cheering for them. These cheers can often make the player feel happier because of the heroic role they are playing. This social value is what makes Rockstar games a fan favourite. Another reason Rockstar advanced so quickly was the positive cha nge in hardware. The game was originally released on both the PS3 and the Xbox 360 on May 18th 2010. I played the game on my Xbox 360 console. To capture the experience of the Wild West, Rockstar consulted some historical experts in the field, along with channelling a lot of time and money into the graphics of the game.According to a New York Times online article, Rockstar spent between 80-100 million dollars on developing the game (Schiesel 2010). I mention this statistic because this comes to show the new era of devotion Rockstar brought to video game production. In any video game, soundtracks can be an incredible boost in its overall character. The soundtracks in Red Dead Redemption are authentic; it gives the game historical flavour. What I mean by this is you truly get a feeling of the Western experience. Rockstar brought on composers Woody Jackson and Bill Elm.In a behind the scenes video, the composers explain that it is essential for them to â€Å"find a balance, paying hom age to what was there but also trying to add our stamp to the music†(GamerSpawn, 2010). Another interesting fact they mentioned was the ability for the game to launch certain lines of music to start based on your actions. For example, if you jump on a horse, a bass line rolls in. If the player is in a shootout, the music intensifies. The music helps reinforce the player’s connection with the historic west by creating familiar sounds associated with the Western era.Before I mention the problem spaces of the game, I would like to continue back to explaining some of the hardware information behind Red Dead Redemption. First we will talk about the controller/controls. Controls have the potential to play a big factor in how we experience a video game. The way the controls are programmed correlate directly with your character’s movement. This gives the player a bigger sense of control. This control makes for a better physical connection. Red Dead Redemption’s c ontroller functions do a great job in the ability to allow the player to become immersed in the game world.If you were not aware of the classic Xbox 360 controller, here is how it is laid out: Some basic controls of the game are: left stick controls which direction your character moves in, right stick controls which direction your character looks, pulling the right trigger will fire your weapon, and pulling left trigger starts the aim mode which makes it easier to hit your target. The Xbox 360 controller, along with the Red Dead Redemption controls, allow the player to control what we are familiar in our everyday lives For example, to shoot a gun in the real world you have to pull a trigger.This is emulated when pulling the trigger on the Xbox controller. When driving a vehicle and turning in a certain direction, we turn the wheel. This is emulated by moving the left stick in order to direct your character. This makes the experience more enjoyable and recognizable. Throughout the ga me you are only controlling one character, the protagonist. The name of this protagonist is John Marston. Marston is a former outlaw who makes a deal with the state to bring justice to his former gang of outlaws in order to get his family back.Upon Marston's attempt to find and capture his former gang members, the plan goes wrong for our protagonist and he is left for dead. Luckily, you are approached by a local ranch farmer, Bonnie Mcfarlane. Bonnie saves your life and brings you back to her farm. That is our initial problem space. The player is immediately placed into the world with a want to defeat our twisted former gang of outlaws and get our family back. This creates an immediate sympathy for our protagonist which adds even more of narrative. Because the game represents plausible situations, players are more likely to sympathize.Although we are placed in a world where there is only one end goal of killing the men who left you for dead and are in the way of getting your family; we have a wide variety of choices in the path of attaining this goal. This concept of beginning the game after being left for dead completely on your own creates an even bigger problem space. My big question was, what do I do first? The player has the ability to access this map in the start menu: [pic] In the Western era, maps would certainly be a way to represent space. Therefore the map gives us the ability to represent space in a way that people are used to.This adds a historical flavour to it because it represents history with adding its own personalized flavour. This map is a fictionalized/representational map of Canada, Mexico and the US. Much like the real world, each territory has its differences. For example: certain NPCs with ethnic representations are present in each area, certain animals are associated with familiar habitats in different territories, and territories such as Canada have more green lands where as Mexico is represented as more dry. To travel to these diffe rent lands, we are immediately handed a horse.When the player first gets their horse, it is quite slow. This is a problem and slow travel can become quite boring. Upon playing I thought there had to be some options to overcoming this problem. Like the real world, the player has the option of feeding their horse to increase its stamina. Another implementation is the trust bar that develops with the players’ horse. This trust bar adds narrative because we are familiar with gaining trust with living things in the real world. The longer the player has kept their horse, the faster it gets and the more risks it is willing to take to get you to your destination.The game specifically promotes value by rewarding the players for keeping the same horse. In doing so, the interface encourages the player to behave a certain way with this virtual animal, representing a relationship common to real life. Even though this horse is merely a program in a video game, the power of the game and the value I had onto it made me have a connection to it. Unfortunately, it is quite possible for the player’s horse to die. For example, upon passing by a poor woman being harassed by drunk men just before entering a town, one of the men shot my horse dead while attempting to hogtie them.After all the investment of money I had put into my horse to increase its stamina, the time spent together gaining trust, and the many missions we had completed together, my horse was now gone. Connecting to history, the video game allows the player to feel the pain that people must have gone through when their own horse died. Clearly their problem was much bigger than a video game can represent, but it once again brings out empathetic emotions. Although the game itself was not based off any real characters or real story lines, it still had the power to create a real connection.The game places the character in an age outside of their norm. If a car breaks down, that person now has the ability to take out a cell phone and call a friend to pick them up. If in 1900 someone’s horse died, that is that until a new horse is acquired. This was now part of my problem space. With these newly acquired problems that I did not have just thirty seconds earlier, I clearly had to deal with these men who altered my path for the negative. Due to this setback I had developed, I quickly hogtied the surviving men and placed their bodies on the train tracks for the upcoming train to deal with them.Although this was an act of immorality because the game gives you an option to return them to the sheriff’s station, I felt no sympathy for these men who, before shooting my horse, were attacking a lone woman. Looking at the game on a narrative level, this meant that a side of my true character was shown, one that let my emotions dictate my actions. At that exact moment the video game explained and taught me a lesson in morality. It also explained how, just like in the real world, others may have handled that same situation completely differently.Moving forward in the game, I was forced to purchase another horse and develop a new connection between us. Purchasing horses is one of the many ways that money is used to solve problems in the game. Money is quite similar to how it is in the real world. The player needs to do work and complete services in order to gain it. It is quite hard to gain money, unlike the other Grand Theft Auto games, which enforces the player to spend wisely. Some examples of situations where you need money are: to buy weapons, ammunition, houses (in order to have multiple save points), and medicine to heal.The player may also acquire money through selling items they find and doing favours and missions for locals and friends met along the way. There is one final question to be answered: was the game historically accurate? The answer to this question is: it depends what you classify as â€Å"historically accurate†. The term is thrown arou nd quite often. Unfortunately, based on the game play, there is far too much fantasy to consider it a game that accurately depicts the lifestyle that people lived in the early 20th century.The game is based off a completely fictional story with fake characters in a fake world. However, the game did a great job of showcasing some aspects of the time frame by utilizing: the advanced RAGE physics engine, the programmed NPCs with character traits, a familiar map system, the player’s horse that rewards you for your loyalty and protection, and the advanced controller settings. Overall, the narrative behind Rockstar Games’s Red Dead Redemption will be remembered in history as one of the most advanced video games for its time. Reference List: 1.Rockstar San Diego Official Website – Available from: http://www. rockstargames. com/reddeadredemption/ 2. Ogilvie Red Dead Redemption: All the RAGE – Available from: http://ca. ign. com/articles/2010/01/28/red-dead-redemp tion-all-the-rage Jan 28 2010 3. Schiesel Way Down Deep In the Wild, Wild West – Available from: http://www. nytimes. com/2010/05/17/arts/television/17dead. html? pagewanted=all=0 May 16th 2010 4. GamerSpawn Red Dead Redemption: Soundtrack Behind the Scenes – Available from: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=vEsknPy5rvg July 29th 2010
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Freedom Writers Changing Perspective Essay
The natural and reoccurring aspect of life, change, is one that has positive outcomes and cannot be reversed. The outcome of how change affects a person can be modified due to extrinsic factors of people or place. The inevitability of change can be daunting or reassuring for a person, depending on the way it is embraced. Humans change their perceptions of the world due to what they are subject to. Ones extrinsic factors and how they see the world is constantly shaping their intrinsic factors and his manipulating the ideologies of the forever developing human mind. As individuals, people continue to grow and mature due to how they lead their life. This Change can be seen in the Richard Lagravanese’s composed Freedom Writers, The students undergo a significant change in perspective that breaks down the cultural barriers between the students and opens their minds. This is due to the supreme catalyst figures of Erin Gruwell and also Miep Gies. Place is also a key factor in the sculpting of one’s perspective and the Holocaust Museum The students venture to is a momentous place that furthers their change in perspective. In the film The Composer supports this message through various film and language techniques. The student’s Teacher Erin Gruwell was the driving force behind the student’s positive change in perspective toward life, education and their fellow peers. Her enthusiastic attitude toward her students and job give her students the best chance in life. In the first scene we see Erin at the school, she confesses to the English Coordinator she â€Å"chose Wilson because of the Integration program†and is clear on her teaching goals that â€Å"by the time you’re defending a kid in the courtroom, the battles already lost†¦ he real fighting should happen here in the classroom†. This shows her enthusiasm for teaching and the composer juxtaposes Erin with the Margret (English coordinator) as Margret is now an outdated teacher who sees the children as no more than scores on paper. Erin’s bright radiant blue and red clothes and attitude portray her mind-set and the reoccurring motif of the pearls her father bought her are also present as a close up camera angle is used to show them. Erin meets resistance from the students in room 203 during their first lesson as they show her no respect by arriving late to class and apathetic. The dialogue intensifies the idea of them being apathetic and shows they lack inner belief, â€Å"this is the dumb class†and their body language furthers this, Marcus is eating in class. The Camera angles the composer has used always shows Erin isolated from the class, signifying her lack of control. In the line Game scene, Erin Finally breaks down the barriers dividing them through the confronting questions she asks them, â€Å"Step up to the line if you have lost a friend to gang violence†. As the students realise the similarities they share they start to open up and become more understanding of each other. Erin takes them on a self funded school trip letting them know they are worth more than the give themselves credit. After this scene the students start to write positive and optimistic thoughts in their diary. One student writes in their diary â€Å"Miss G had a beautiful dinner for us†. Erin Does an implausible job at opening the students minds on education and other racial clans and providing them with their own â€Å"kicking spot†where they can escape the dramas of life and be themselves. Erin Met quite a lot of resistance from Eva, who expressed hate for Erin on multiple occasions during the film, until eventually Erin and Eva sat holding hands after Eva, showing the connection they had now established. Another life she gets back on the right track is Andres, as after he is completely isolated from all of his family, he stops attending class and reunites with drug dealing. Erin uses tough love on Andre to get his perspective back on track; she says â€Å"i know what you’re up against†. Andre sheds a single tear which represents him returning to his former functioning life. As the students have now opened up to Each other and start to build relationships between themselves, they are provided with more stimulus to change their perspective on their life, education and their viewpoint on other racial groups in the form of Miep Gies. As the students listen to her story, their attention is engulfed in her and they realise that the problems they are facing are pedestrian to that of what Miep faced. A man pointed a gun at me†¦ and put it against my head†she said. There is sad and quite non-digetic music played during her story to intensify the depression of the time. During her speech there was numerous close up camera shots of the students faces and their facial expressions as they were taking all the information in, however the camera kept showing Eva, it showed her face when Miep said â€Å"I did what I had to do, because it was the right thing to do†. In the next scene Eva Testified in court against â€Å"her own†Because of the influence of Miep Gies’ speech and when she saw the innocent defendants family which reminded her of what she had to face many years before. The surroundings of a person go a long way in shaping their perspective, ideas on life and opening their minds, The Holocaust museum that Erin took the students too played a huge factor in changing their perspective. They Realise that the opportunity for education they are being given is very valuable and they are not utilising the opportunity as not everyone is as lucky as them. The students are really taken back from all the pictures of the affected children. The lighting the composer has used is all dark, black in some spots to exaggerate the sorrow during the visit to the museum and the photos of the children affected by the holocaust are a contrast to this as they are bright, to bring attention to them and show their innocence. The students feel so sad at the experience because they can relate to the holocaust victims, â€Å"I’ll never forget those people†Andre states. The important and unavoidable feature of the world, change, has lasting effects on people that can be beneficial and positive. The fact that the world a person lives in can mould them into something more is a prosperous idea. Its positive outcomes arise from significant aspects of people and place. As a person, one repeatedly embraces change as they thrive off the endless possibilities of the outcome. Richard Lagravanese’s Freedom Writers is a perfect representation of this idea.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Charles Perkins Activist and Soccer Player
Charles Perkins Activist and Soccer Player Free Online Research Papers Charles Nelson Perkins, AO, (born c.1936/1937 in Alice Springs, Northern Territory - died October 19, 2000 in Sydney, New South Wales) was an Australian Aboriginal activist, soccer player and administrator. He was known as Kumantjayi Perkins in the period immediately following his death. Kumantjayi is a name used to refer to a deceased person in Arrernte culture. Perkins was born to an Arrernte woman and a Kalkadoon man and had 11 brothers and sisters. Perkins was a cousin of artist and soccer player John Moriarty. He married Eileen Munchenberg on 23 September 1961 and had two daughters (Hetti and Rachel) and one son (Adam). Perkins began playing in 1950 with Adelaide team Port Thistle. In 1951 he was selected for a South Australia under 18 representative team. He went on to play for a number of teams in Adelaide including International United (1954-55), Budapest (1956-57) and Fiorentina (1957). In 1957 he was invited to trial with English first division team Liverpool FC. Perkins ended up trialing and training with Liverpools city rival Everton FC. While at Everton Perkins had a physical confrontation with the Everton reserve grade manager after being called a kangaroo bastard. After this incident Perkins left Liverpool to move to Wigan where he worked as a coal miner at the Mosley Common Colliery alongside Great Britain rugby league player Terry OGrady. Perkins played two seasons for leading English amateur team Bishop Auckland F.C. between 1957 and 1959. Perkins in mid-1959 decided to return to Australia after trialing with Manchester United. On returning to Australia Perkins was appointed captain/coach of Adelaide Croatia. At Croatia he played alongside notable Aboriginal figures Gordon Briscoe and John Moriarty. How he managed to get into University First, he had to get is matriculation, which he didn’t have to get to Sydney University. So he went to a college in Sydney called the Metropolitan Business College. Now out of forty five in a class, he and one other person were the only two to successfully get through. His involvement in the Freedom Rides In 1965 he was one of the key members of the Freedom Ride a bus tour through New South Wales by activists protesting discrimination against Aboriginal people in small town Australia. This action was in emulation of the US Civil Rights Freedom Ride campaign in 1961. The Australian Freedom Ride aimed to expose discrepancies in living, education and health conditions among the Aboriginal population. The tour targeted rural towns such as Walgett, Moree, and Kempsey. They acted to publicise acts of blatant discrimination. This was demonstrated through one of the Freedom Ride activities in Walgett. A local RSL club refused entry to Aborigines, including those who were ex-servicemen who participated in the two World Wars. The bus at one stage was run off the road. On 20 February 1965, Perkins and his party tried to enter the swimming pool at Moree, where the local council had barred Aboriginal people from swimming for 40 years since it had been opened. In response to this action the riders faced physical opposition from several hundred local white Australians, including community leaders, and were pelted with eggs and tomatoes. These events were broadcast across Australia, and under pressure from public opinion, the council eventually reversed the ban on Aboriginal swimmers. The Freedom Ride then moved on, but on the way out they were followed by a line of cars, one of which collided with the rear of their bus forcing them to return to Moree where they found that the council had reneged on their previous decision. The Freedom Riders protested again forcing the council to again remove the ban. His life and career after the Freedom Rides In 1961 when Perkins moved to Sydney to study at university he played with Pan-Hellenic (later known as Sydney Olympic FC) in the New South Wales State League where he became captain/coach. He later played for Bankstown and retired in 1965. He later served as president of former National Soccer League team Canberra City. He was appointed Australian Soccer Federation (a forerunner of the Football Federation Australia) vice-president in 1987 and was the chairman of the Australian Indoor Soccer Federation (later known as the Australian Futsal Federation) for ten years until his death in Sydney in 2000. Research Papers on Charles Perkins Activist and Soccer PlayerHip-Hop is Art19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraThe Hockey GameQuebec and CanadaAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Research Process Part OneMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever Product
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