Monday, September 30, 2019
Mao’s domestic policies Essay
Essay Question: To what extend do you consider Mao’s domestic policies more successful than his foreign policies? Between the years 1949 and 1976 China was in a faze of changes, which varied in good and bad, the way roller coasters vary in ups and downs. Mao Zedong was the Chairman during those years whom one could make responsible for numerous successes and failures in China. His domestic and foreign policies were the causes of millions of deaths, economic highs and lows, unhappy peasants and many more factors which harmed and helped China to build up and backwards after feudalism had been removed from China. The Five Year Plan, which was a duplicate of the plan that Russia used to overcome the countries misery, took place between 1952 and 1956 and was a success for entire China. The Hundred Flowers Campaign, which Mao started in 1957, is known to be one of his greatest failures and resulted in chaos, along with the collectivisation plan in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s and the Great Leap Forward Mao failed to help his country. As he supported the Korean War in the 1950’s Chinas budget decreased my thousand of millions of Yuan. This foreign policy was a disaster for China and even though several domestic policies were introduced, none of them could really keep China and it’s masses in population contend. Due to the support China had provided Korea with many more people died. If Korean had not been supported by Chinas budget, then one could argue that not as many people would have been killed the Korean War. Maybe the number of deaths could have been reduced to half a million or so, one can only speculate, yet it is clear that this foreign policy did not do any good, but much more harm. It did not only destroy human lives, it also harassed the Chinese budget and as a result made China very weak. PRC Expenditure in Percentages of Total Budget: As is shown on the table in 1950 the percent of money which was taken away from the budget is 41,5 %. This is almost half of the entire Chinese budget. Most of this money supported the Korean War and helped Korean to defend itself. By 1957 this percentile had gone down, but all most every other one went up. For an example 51,4 % of the Chinese budget was being used to support the economic development. This is a vast amount of money needed to support the economic development of a country. Even though this foreign policy supported Korean, it was and opposition for the donator, China. The Five Year Plan can be viewed purely as a success. Mao was impressed with what Lenin had accomplished with it and decided to do the same. Mao and the PRC, People Republic of China, build up the same Five Year Plan as Russia and succeeded. The National Resources Committee, NRC, had already taken care of several industrial ideas, which Mao had, and they were also the ones who had total control over the industrial investment sections. During the Five Year Plan a significant amount of migration took place. Families moved from the countryside into the large cities to find jobs at factories. One major factor that makes the Five Year Plan a success is of the inflation, from which China had been suffering for many years, which Mao achieved to decrease. It dropped from over 1,000 percent to nearly 15 percent and was a result of a raise of taxes and a change of the Chinese currency from the Chinese Dollar to the Yuan. Not only did the PRC want to focus on the production of steel, coal and petrol-chemicals, but also on transportations such as the Chinese automobile. An event, which is a perfect example to demonstrate the successes of the Five Year Plan would be the construction of a road and railway bridge, which crossed the Yangzi River, which can be seen as a contribution to the modernization of China. By 1952 the PRC had introduced their goals of what they wanted to achieve during the Five Year Plan. Their targets were to produce at least 555,000 bicycles by 1957, yet instead they produced more than 1,740,000. Also, they planned on manufacturing 4,000 trucks, but they achieved to produce more than 7,500. However magnificent this all sounds and how proud China must have been, if Russia had not helped China to industrialize, they would have never been able to compare themselves with the Soviet Union after their Five Year Plan had Worked so well. Meaning, China was not as successful as Russia had been, because China got the Soviet Unions support, whereas Russia made it on their own two feet. However, one should give credit to Mao for the Five Year Plan, because this was one of his only successful domestic policies and it gave China a better economic position in the world. The Hundred Flowers Campaign, which was a domestic policy, introduced in 1956, was probably Mao’s greatest Failure during has dictatorship. When Mao became the Chairman in 1949 he strict freedom of speech policies, since he did not welcome any other political opinions other than those of communism. In 1956, Mao Zedong decided it was time to allow people in China to speak their minds free from fear of persecution by the government. Mao wanted to encourage free speech and healthy arguments. This was introduced with the phrase â€Å"let a hundred flowers bloom.†With this he wanted allow the expression of diverse ideas. Mao colleagues to stop this policy, due to the fact that Stalin had lost power in Poland and Hungry through this policy. However, he pressured boldly forward. After some time thing got out of hand and Mao replaced it with the ‘anti-rightist’ operation. Mao sent intellectuals, layers and even teacher to the countryside, had them humiliated publicly, or let them be assassinated. The Hundred Flowers Campaign was a disaster. Thousands were killed because they had their own opinion and expressed it freely, just the way Mao had provoked. When Mao said: â€Å"It is only by using discussion, criticism and reasoning that we can really foster correct ideas, overcome wrong ideas and really settle issues.†and then killed the majority of those who obeyed his new policy, one must ask oneself, what he really intended with this. One could argue that Mao did not create the Hundred Flower Campaign to get feed-back and criticism so that he can improve the countries situation, it is thought that Mao introduced the Campaign to find those who had something to say against him and his ideas in a quicker and more efficient way than before. In conclusion, Mao became more powerful, however, be betrayed his own country. This is how one can see where his domestic policies were much less successful than his foreign ones. With his foreign policy mention earlier, he provoked death due to a war, whereas in his domestic policies he provoked death due to his own ignorance and utter ruthlessness. Once one has made one mistake, it seems as though one has released a chain of reactions. At least this is the case for Mao, because his next mistake was not far from his last one. The Great Leap Forward, which took place in 1958-1962, was a hardship on the peasants. Even though China had modernized and industrialized there were still many problems to come. Although Mao stood upright for equal treatment of all humans and even though Mao and his family were peasants, he set up a list of strict rules for the peasants to obey. This was a result of the following. Mao realized that not enough food was being produced and brought to the cities, because of the migration that took place in the Five Year Plan. Too much of the population was now working in the factories and the economic planner concluded that this was the fault of the peasants. Since the peasant families were increasing rapidly each month, too much grain was going to the individual families, and thus, Mao decided to put the peasants under strict central control and direction. During the great peasant revolution Mao had given the serfs freedom and the land that once belonged to the landowners now belonged to them. However, the Collectivisation Plan changed everything. Now the peasants were not working for themselves anymore, but for the government, to prevent another shortage of grain in the cities. China’s agricultural land was split into 70,000 communes, each consisting of 750,000 brigades, each made up of 200 households. The setting of prices, distribution of products, farming methods and the sales were all controlled by the PRC. Since the targets of grain production of the government were so high, there was not much grain left for the people. Hunger and death was well known during that time, and millions had died of starvation. Alone in Tibet 20% of the population had starved to death. The main problem of this crisis was that nobody told Mao about these happenings, because they were all afraid to undergo the same destiny as all the others who told him the bad news. However, one man did find the courage after all and open his heart to Mao. Mr. Peng Dehuai was the minister of defence, and decided to let Chairman know about the disasters that were going on. He was dismissed and sent to the countryside. By now nearly all of China was afraid to say anything against or even to him. The Collectivisation system pulled China down more than ever. In 1958 200 million tons of grain were being produced, but in 1962 less than 160 million tons were produced. A similar thing happened to the meat production. In 19584,3 million tons of meat were being manufactured and by 1968 only 1,9 tons were being produced. Mao’s plan had once again not worked. Almost thirty million people died in China from his domestic policies, however, his foreign policies did not cause such harsh consequences for anyone. One must look at the success of the domestic and foreign policies from three different perspectives. One, the Chinese citizens perspective during Mao’s dictatorship, two, Mao’s own viewpoint, and three, the perception of the success of today’s people. The Chinese people of that time lived the changes, the success and most of all the failures. Like in many situations, the negative things were paid more attention, due to the harsher memories, which are well in mind. The people suffered, lost family members and were tortured mentally and physically. Even though Mao became like a God for them after the â€Å"Little Red Book†was published in May 1964. It was a book of quotations from Mao and was there to give the Chinese citizens a better view of what he was doing. Mao was feared and therefore obeyed. From Mao’s point of view, things seemed to be going great because be barely received feedback from his colleagues, because they were too afraid of him as well. The fear, which developed through out the years came from the punishment that people had to undergo. The rumours of what was happening did not even have to go around the country; the majority of the people saw the humiliations and various other punishments with their own eyes. Anyhow, Mao was partially not informed about the millions of deaths that were occurring, therefore he was probably satisfied with his work, and believed that he was successful. Then, if one looks at the overall damaged he caused with his domestic and foreign policies one can see that his domestic policies were much less successful than his foreign policies. If Mao would still be alive today he would possibly realize his mistakes and would think similar to the perspective of today. Mao was a man with visions and ideas, which he thought to be most important. However, he did more harm then did he help people with his domestic and foreign policies. One can even consider his foreign policies more successful in some ways, because his support in the Korean War did not kill as many people as his domestic polices resulted in killing. Nevertheless, one mustn’t generalize everything. One must also look from different perspectives such as Mao’s for an example. He was often left uninformed about what was really going on in the country; therefore he was most likely felt successful. The peasants had a much different point of view due to the more authentic experiences they had to undergo. But by looking at the situation form the modern eyes of today, one can clearly see the successes and failures of Chairman Mao’s dictatorship. His domestic policies were less successful than his foreign policies due to the numbers of deaths. It seems as though Mao released a chain reaction of mistakes as he did his first one with the Hundred Flowers Campaign in 1957, and that there was no way of stopping it.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
A Civil Action/ Irac Style Format
A Civil Action FACTS: This movie, A Civil Action, is about a lawsuit that began with the death of twelve people, and eight of those twelve people were children. This all takes place in the little city of Woburn Wells, Massachusetts. This is a small city that has two companies that are located really close to the cities river. One company is called W. R. Grace Company and the other is Beatrice Foods. Jan Schlitnmann is the main attorney for the plaintiff’s side along with his partners; Conway, Gordon, and Crowley. The attorney for W. R. Grace was William Cheeseman, and the attorney for Beatrice foods was Jerome Fatcher. Anne Anderson initially told one of Jan’s partners her story and put many calls into their office. However, she never a response from them! So Anne put a call into Jan Schlitchmann while he was on a radio show. Jan and his partners discussed the case and Jan agreed to go and meet with Anne and the family member’s of the children who died from Leukemia. So he went to the city of Woburn Wells. Jan saw the companies W. R. Grace and Beatrice Foods and thought it would be a goldmine for the law office to take on the case. Anderson told Jan that she and the other families were not looking for money in this lawsuit. The families only wanted an apology from the companies and for someone to clean up the area and make sure it would not ever happen again. The drinking water that the town had been drinking was the problem. The water had somehow been contaminated with trichloroethylene and silicon (used to water proof leather). Jan was going to prove in court that W. R. Grace and Beatrice Foods knowingly contaminated the river that was located in Woburn Wells and by contaminating the river it caused twelve people to die from leukemia. ISSUES: Did the drinking water that was contaminated with Trichloroethylene and silicon, by W. R. Grace Company and Beatrice Foods, cause the leukemia deaths and other health problems in Woburn, Massachusetts? LAW: Negligence:  is a legal concept in the common law legal systems mostly applied in tort cases to achieve monetary compensation (damages) for physical and mental injuries Wrongful Death: is a claim in common law jurisdictions against a person who can be held liable for a death DISCUSSION: Big corporations generally only see things with dollar signs. The goal of any corporation is to make the maximum profit that they can while providing a good or service to the community. W. R. Grace and Beatrice Foods show this statement to be true throughout this whole movie. They are continuously trying to make this â€Å"issue†go away by throwing money at the family members, trying to make the suit go away and not fix the real problem. W. R. Grace Company decided that the best place to dump the T. C. E. was in the river behind the plant. This had major effects on everyone that was in close proximity to the river. It got into the drinking water, which was said to have caused 12 deaths, the reason of some miscarriages, and seizures among other health conditions, from what the claims are that is. The company tried to cover up this kind of thing as much as possible by buying people off. They think that if they give people money for their losses than everything will be alright. For huge corporations dealing with billions of dollars these payoffs are only a drop in the bucket for them. Even a million dollars to any family is an incredible amount of money and often the money becomes more important than the real issues behind the problem and can't be passed up by a family struggling to get by. The benefits of paying these people for their trouble are much cheaper than doing things the right way in the beginning and protecting their safety. Well, the families of Woburn Wells wanted no part of the money. They just wanted the problem fixed and an apology from the ones who caused this tragedy. Jan Schlichtmann initially didn't want to take the case because he doesn't think that there will be any money in it for him and his firm. Even though he goes and sees how much pain this company has caused to the people in Woburn Wells, he still doesn't care because of the money. Not until he realizes how big the companies are does he take the case. The firm took the case and went to work. The first hearing ruled that Beatrice Foods wasn’t to be held accountable, just W. R. Grace Company, There were many scientific and complex tests that had to be run in order to prove that the water was contaminated by W. R. Grace. This was all at the cost of Schlichtmann’s firm. As the case goes on he isn't able to achieve what he ultimately wanted to do because the Grace Company has so much money that they will almost always win. Schlichtmann’s firm goes into debt trying to win this case but ultimately has to settle because they can't go on. Schlichtmann ended up settling with W. R. Grace for 8 million dollars. After all debts are paid (all of the equipment that was rented, the Dr. ’s that ran the tests, the scientist’s, etc. and the fee for Schlichtmann’s firm, the families were awarded $357,000 per family! This made the families very upset. Not because of the amount of the money, but because when Anne Anderson initially spoke with Schlichtmann, she had told him that the families weren’t interested in the money. All the families ultimately wanted was were apologies, someone to take the blame for the cause of their loved ones deaths, and for the contaminated water and area to be cleaned up so this type of thing were to never happen again. After that final meeting with the families, Jan Schlichtmann and his partners all ended up all going their separate ways. Schlichtmann had a â€Å"come to†one day. He ended up questioning one of the workers of W. R. Grace once again, who told him the whole story regarding the disposal of the chemical waste. He told Schlichtmann how and where they got rid of everything, which was in the river behind the plant. This was negligent on the companies’ part. Schlichtmann didn’t have the money for the appeal process, so he sent everything he had to another lawyer. This case went on for years. In the end, the EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) filed a lawsuit against W. R. Grace and the companies agreed to share 69. 4 million for cleanup of the area. CONCLUSION: Did the drinking water that was contaminated with Trichloroethylene and silicon, by W. R. Grace Company and Beatrice Foods, cause the leukemia deaths and other health issues in Woburn, Massachusetts? Yes An employee of W. R. Grace was confronted by Jan after the trial was over with, who came clean about the whole cover up. He was told to â€Å"get rid†of the barrels that were filled with the toxins, which he did along with several others. They dumped the hundreds of barrels into the river which was one of the main sources of water in the city. There was an autopsy on one of the children’s bodies. The Dr. onfirmed that the child died from leukemia which was caused by Trichloroethylene. After many scientific tests and many years in the courtroom, both W. R. Grace and Beatrice Foods were found guilty for the contamination of the river in Woburn Wells, which was linked to the drinking water and the cause of the leukemia deaths. This toxin, T. C. E. , was found to be in the drinking water of the city, and was digested by the children on a regular basis. The wrongful deaths of the 12 individuals in the city lay in the hands of both W. R. Grace and Beatrice Foods. It was their duty of care to dispose of the chemicals in an appropriate manner.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Article Analysis Essay Example for Free (#3)
Article Analysis Essay This article gives us an insight on whether how a society in a specific country especially like of China can have a say on what their government is doing especially on projects that in return might have an effect on their lives, and also giving added revenue to their government and at the same time protecting the lives of their citizens. Even the social activist like Xue ye of the Beijing – based Friends of Nature had stated that â€Å"We are weak, but we have a chance. He already knew that it would be hard for them to convince the villagers around the place where there is a project or a construction that has to be created by the government. There may be some factors, which may take effect if the projects will continue. That is why it must be thoroughly evaluated first by all sectors before they allow it to pursue. They must not think on the benefits alone upon the relocation but through a lifetime perspective too. It is not only their future but also for the future generation of their country. The whole article is a depiction of social construction regarding the issue of trade and industry. There are different evidences and justifications that the author has redeemed. He also stated his own opinion and ideologies regarding the issue, which somehow important to the whole article because it will state the stand of the author in representation of the society based on the evidences that were found and researched. From all of this, the whole article shows the facts and data exist within the situation will state its own ideologies and perceptions of the social realization. It means that the author has its own depiction of truth and accuracy of facts and data that he has stated whether it is for or against the authorities of the society. (Author). (Date). Power to the People. (Publisher) Article Analysis. (2017, Feb 23).
Friday, September 27, 2019
The organizational culture for results Research Paper
The organizational culture for results - Research Paper Example The research revealed the existence of several cultures and subcultures in Widney Cabs Ltd that matched the theoretical models developed by both Schein in the three level of classification i.e. Assumptions, Values and Artefacts and Denison's classification that outlines four attributes namely: Involvement, Consistency, Adaptability and Mission. This study will evaluate and assess the different aspects of organizational culture that exist in Widney Cabs Ltd. The study examines these culture(s) and sub cultures in light of the relationship with models or classification from academic literature, existing knowledge and theories on organizational culture. Jacques (1951) defines organizational culture as the customary or traditional ways of thinking and doing things common to most members of an organization. There exists a significant level of formal knowledge on the subject of culture(s) and sub-cultures that exist in organizations and their effects on the organizational behaviour. Founders and leaders of organizations create these cultures, which are then developed and sustained by people. Organization's executives generate and impart the organization's ideals. They also promote the core values that convey inclination to certain behaviors or effects. Norms on the other hand express acceptable ways of achieving set goals. Studies have shown that the development of organizational culture requires interaction within the membership. (Louis, Posner, and Powell 1983). According to Schein (1985), there are three levels of culture,the basic being Assumptions that form the foundation of culture. Assumptions Espoused values Artefacts (Beliefs, thoughts) (Goals, strategies e.t.c) (Visible manifestations) Fig 1. These assumptions are unconscious beliefs, thoughts, perceptions, and feelings. Next to these are the espoused values that consist of goals, philosophies. Lastly are the artefacts, which are physical manifestations, which may not be obvious to a lay observer of organizational behaviour and process. Schein's model has had a wide acceptance and has in many ways allowed insight on culture. However the model raises some questions: Who is unconscious about these assumptions It is presumed that the researcher will be aware but not the organizational members. What happen to the presumption when the organizational members learn about the Assumptions It is important that leaders learn about the underlying links that hold artefacts; values and assumptions together so that they can better understand the usefulness of this model in creating positive organizational change. Research by John VanMaanan and Steven Barley (1984) shed some light on the nature of interactions. They found out that intera ction was "cognitive and behavioural". New personnel learn from the established workplace community the conventional occupational behaviours and practices that are acceptable across the board. In organizations
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Poverty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Poverty - Essay Example Many universities and other educational institutions have played an important role in poverty awareness. Through educational programs, they educate the students and the society of the causes of poverty and their effects. Many children around the world are living in extreme poverty with no food to eat. The question is who is to blame? The cause of poverty, in my mind is the gap between the poor and the rich. This gap exists between countries and between individuals. Looking at countries, the rich nations are not willing to help the poor ones out of poverty. They provide aid to them with strings attached. The conditions for aid have always made the countries to be poorer. Within individuals of a particular country, we also find that the gap between the rich and the poor is so wide. The rich in the society do not put up measures to assist those who are poor. They in fact amass more wealth through dubious means such as stealing from the national coffers or tax evasion. In order to end po verty around the world, the developed world should genuinely extend aid. The conditions put forward should encourage positive reforms in the society and not make these countries poorer. The rich countries must also help the poor and not exploit them. In so doing it will enable the society to progress as one and not on individual level. Universities have programs that help alleviate poverty. The universities also do offer scholarships to poor students to enable them access higher education. By getting this education the students are able to engage in gainful employment that raises their economic status. Through education, the students know whether the aid extended is exploitative or gainful. This enables them to stand up against any form of exploitation in the society. University students, when they get out of school should maintain the moral standards taught them by their parents and teachers when in leadership positions or employment. They should not engage in corruption because th ey know how this vice causes poverty in the society. They should also help others who need this education by sponsoring them. Education of a society results in the reduction of poverty. When I get into a leadership position, I will ensure that I put in place strategies that will ensure poverty alleviation in the society. First I know that corruption has been a major cause of poverty, I will ensure that that there is zero tolerance to corruption. There will be no tax evasion or looting of public property. Use the tax that is collected will also on projects that are likely to benefit the majority of taxpayers. With this in place, even the poor can have a share of the ‘national cake’ that can greatly assist them to come out of their poverty. The second measure is to encourage small-scale enterprises. This I can achieve by reducing the legal requirements for the starting of these businesses and providing grants for people who would want to start such businesses. Small scale businesses are a good way to fight poverty because the capital required to start such businesses is normally small and even the poor can afford it. One also needs to be equipped with just the basic entrepreneurial skills to manage such businesses. My leadership will invest in funding these small-scale enterprises to ensure that it assists the poor to come out of their poverty. Thirdly I will also invest in the education sector. Having been in school I am well aware of the role that education plays in
Work place discrimination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Work place discrimination - Essay Example Workplaces have generally accepted language of communication among the workforce. The working unit of an entity employs a uniform mode and means of communication across the staff. The reason behind the uniformity of language of communication is to cater for the entire workforce that in most cases is made up of diverse groups of people, who are probably from different origins and social setting (Gavin265). When the working unit is made up of diverse individuals and the formal language of communication is not observed, then language discrimination results. Language discrimination emerges in the event that the communication medium in the workplace does not provide for the individual differences in that place. Individuals associated with a given language are treated indifferently by others of a different language. This may even encompass communication by individuals in a language that particular colleagues cannot understand. Language discrimination in the workplace is therefore primarily based on the communication interaction of the entire staff unit in places of work. This form of discrimination is based on race, color, nationality, ethnic or national origin (Gavin 253). Individuals or groups of people discriminated against are treated less favorably based on the above factors. Basically, the discriminated against individuals are deemed to of lesser importance than others. This is a persistent form of discrimination in places of work. A clear-cut example on this is the discrimination against whites or blacks. Depending on whether one is back or white, different workplaces treat individuals from either of the two differently prior to the black-white social context. Workplaces employ different people from diverse social setups. Individual workers are expected to coherently relate with one another across the working units in the realization of the set objectives in the place of work. However, this is not always the case.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Introduction to Microeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Introduction to Microeconomics - Essay Example The essay "Introduction to Microeconomics" describes key concepts of microeconomics and how they are applied to everyday life. Also, the paper analyses the microeconomics as a study of how individuals and societies distribute the funds to satisfy their wants. No one has enough time or money to do everything, no matter how hard they try. This is where economics comes in and plays a vital role in the lives of everyday consumers. More specifically, microeconomics is about economic choices of an individual person. This has more to do with macroeconomics, which looks at a country’s economic data instead of individual data. Actually, there are many topics to discuss in microeconomics, but this paper will just focus on three key subjects that are talked about in microeconomics the most: opportunity cost, demand and supply, and price elasticity. Because there is not enough time or money to fulfill all the needs of wants of an individual, there needs to be a choice made between several items. This is otherwise known as opportunity cost. The actual opportunity cost of a product is the cost involved in not selecting another product. Another important concept in microeconomics is demand and supply. The demand for a good or service is the association between the price of that good and the quantity demanded of that good in a particular time period, all other things being equal. And the last major concept of microeconomics is elasticity, which measures how the quantity demanded or quantity supplied changes in response to another variable.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Dividend policy of the firm is irrelevant to the rational investor Essay
Dividend policy of the firm is irrelevant to the rational investor - Essay Example These factors lead to fluctuation in the share prices and valuation of the companies. The relevance of dividend policy to a rational investor has been discussed in the subsequent sections (Gross, 2007, p.14). Rational for dividend payments The objective of investments is aimed at capital appreciation of the assets or securities over the period of holding. So, there is a definite reason for the companies to pay dividends which actually reduces the long term capital appreciation due to liquid payments in the form of dividend. The dividend payments are clear cut statements by the companies to showcase their abilities to manage their assets and performance to achieve financial profits and growth. The payment of dividends by the companies assures majority of the investors of sound financial performance in future and builds confidence for investment in stocks (Xu and Wang, 1997, p.19). The companies decide through their dividend policy on the proportion of dividend payout and the percen tage to be kept for retained earnings. The dividend payment allocations are very delicate as the company also has to focus on increasing the financial wealth in future and reduce their dependency on leverage. The interest and tax rates also play an important role in the dividend policy of the companies. A reduction in the tax rates on long term and short term capital gains would urge the companies to cut down their dividend payments and invest more retained earning for long term capital gains (Funke, 2007, p.11). Empirical theories: Irrelevance of Dividend Policy The aspect of irrelevance of dividend policy to a rational investor can be explained by considering the empirical theories of dividend policy. Residual... The companies give topmost priority to finance their needs of investment looking at the target growth rates to be achieved in the short-term as well as long run. Only after meeting the needs of finances, the companies decide to distribute the residual profits to the shareholders in the form of dividend payments. Thus the shareholders would not be concerned of the dividend policy as capital gains for future from the investments done by the company lies at the core of maximization of their wealth. The rational investors are also knowledgeable that there is no dividend policy that could referred to as an optimal dividend policy. The dividend policies are an outcome of the fund requirement of the companies for financing the investment projects. For this reason, the dividends are declared by the companies which lead to restoration of confidence among the shareholders. Thus the shareholders are attracted more towards the investment in the company stocks as a result of which the price of th e share rises and the valuation of the companies are increased.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Organization Development Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Organization Development Change - Essay Example From this essay it is clear that professional development deals with improvement of individual’s effectiveness in practise, while organizational development entails the ways in which organizations can be enhanced through overall productivity, human fulfilment, and the response that is necessary towards the environment.  This study highlights that scholars such as Rittel and Weber have proposed the concept of wicked  problems and wicked projects as a class of problems that has difficulty in definition and has no ultimate solution. Moreover, they argue that these wicked problems are found in several forms that are in different organizations, as well as, environments. It is worth noting that wicked problems generate from a dense network of interconnected factors that are challenging in understanding how a particular decision is viable towards influencing decisions in other areas. Change has numerous definitions that go in line with where it has been used. Never the less, a change agent could be best explained as a helper, advisor, coach, and leader or consultant. Its main function is the catalyst effect that entails bringing change to an organization or businesses in specific ways. In light of this, many companies, as well as, organizations hire change agents to foresee specific changes in organizations. The practitioner must be adversely knowledgeable about organization development theory.... It is expected that the practitioner has self management skills which makes it easier to practise interpersonal skills to members of the organization. Besides, the practitioner must be adversely knowledgeable about organization development theory (Beyerlin and Marauhn, 2011). Of importance to note is that change is constant as it occurs in both national and international levels, over and above, physical environment particularly in ways that organizations are structured and ways in which the organizations operated politically, socially and economically. Apparently, the world has become so complex and is continuously integrated to the extent of changes that seem too far being affective. Moreover, change appear to be frequent and random, a situation that makes the world a global village. According to Fitzmaurice 2009, incredible amount of change that is being witnessed globally has put the world in a position where individuals and organizations are now able to see the big picture in rel ation to how events are affecting them and vise versa. Change Applications Application of organization development in terms of change ensures that organizations and individuals are aware of the changes and how they are affecting them. Besides, the applications of organizational development support individuals and organizations to deal with change through events such as team building efforts and improvement of functions within the organization, over and above, those that are external through the introduction of planned change efforts (Griffiths 2007). In every organization development change, there are three practitioners’ who are involved ensuring that there is change in
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Management Case Study Essay Example for Free
Management Case Study Essay The case study below takes place at the Sir Charles Wilberforce Hospital’s cafeteria, which is experiencing problems with the change management. Due to the new management undertaken by Keith Davis, there was a major issue of inadequate communication channels, as Keith told his employees what to do rather than consult them, especially with the decision-making. The best alternative to rectify this problem is for Keith to adapt to a consultative management style, in order for employees to take ownership in their workplace through expressing their opinions and feel more valued, however still allowing Keith to still make the final decision. Another major issue addressed in the Cafeteria was the amount of unmotivated staff. As employees feel unsatisfied with their work, the best solution to this issue is Goal Setting. Through employees setting strategic goals they will increase their motivation through achievement of these goals which will lead them to set more challenging ones. Lastly, the third major issue recognised was Keith’s poor leadership skills which made it difficult for employees to fulfil expectations and find enjoyment in the workplace. The best alternative solution for this problem is to retrain Keith’s leadership abilities so he is able to adopt all the qualities needed to become a better leader in his managing role. Although this may be an expensive method, the new leadership qualities Keith will learn will make a happier work environment for his employees and build a better employer/employee relationship. 3. Problem identification Poor communication channels Keith focuses on top down communication channels, providing a one way communication which is from him to his employees, rather than two-way which provides his employees to communicate ideas with him. This negatively impacts the hospital as the Keith is unable to discuss problems or ask questions amongst employees to see if there are any problems going on amongst the workers and therefore leading to job dissatisfaction employees. Although Keith tried to soothe Julia when the issue between her and Madison was brought to his attention, he did not follow it up or treat it as an importance. Lack of staff motivation Prior to Keith’s managing, Anne’s original foundations of self-satisfaction and close family ties seemed to motivate the employees at Sir Charles Wilberforce hospital. Keith’s changes were made to become more efficient, employees were left struggling to gain satisfaction and motivation in order for themselves to achieve their hierarchy of needs (Maslow, 1954). In this hierarchy of needs Maslow developed, employees have five needs, physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualisation, once they fulfil one of their needs they can graduate to the next one to fulfil it and so on. Without fulfilling the social needs of forming social ties or self-actualisation of gaining enough experience within the kitchen to become a supervisor, it became unknown to the employees of what they are capable of and decreased their enticements to complete tasks and feel satisfied. Insufficient leadership abilities Keith lacks major leadership qualities, as the organisational layout he uses is to tell employees what to do, depriving them of guidance and support. The Hersey Situations leadership model suggests that leadership focuses on follower’s readiness (Hersey, Blanchard Johnson, 2001). This theory suggests that at Sir Charles Wilberforce, if the employees feel they are unable to complete a task Keith should give those clear and specific instructions. If they are willing and confident Keith needs to provide them display high task orientation, and if employees feel able but are unwilling Keith would need to use a supportive approach. Lack of teamwork The teamwork environment of delegating tasks amongst of employees was not addressed by Keith. He believed that employees needed to finish work on time, plan menus monthly and take on cleaning responsibilities, whereas, the use of team work would have provided a better suited time managed system. Through having each employee assist with cleaning duties, planning menus, helping out another if time was short as well as assisting each other to get all food out and made the kitchen would be less chaotic. This would have assisted with issues if someone was ill, allowing more than one person to prepare greater portions of meals. 4. Statement of Major Problems The three major problems that are brought to the attention at Sir Charles Wilberforce Hospital are: Inadequate communication channels Unmotivated staff Insufficient leadership abilities The poor communication channel Keith utilises is top-down communication from Keith to his employees. As this is a workplace that depends on seeking ideas from others and support from each other, two way communications between Keith and his employees is necessary. This will allow employees to feel part of the decision making and feel they can share their ideas to improve the workplace. Following this Keith must then improve his leadership skills, putting his employees first and assisting them with any help and support they need in order to achieve a positive workplace. This may involve Keith revising the organisation’s culture, or distinguishing the strength and weakness of each employee so he knows how to assist each of them. Once Keith’s leadership abilities are improved, staff motivation must be identified and given, in order for employees to become productive within the kitchen and gain job satisfaction, increasing their abilities and allowing them to feel the want to work. 5. Generation and Evaluation of Alternative Solutions Inadequate communication channels Regular work meetings Set regular meetings within the kitchen, in order to concerns amongst employees to be discussed as we as evaluation on how the business is going and openly discuss ways to improve or maintain it. Advantages Allows for feedback Employees can listen to each person’s idea and encourages discussion openly Evaluate the earnings to the previous week and that time the previous year, allowing each person to suggest ways to improve or maintain their profit margins. Disadvantages Some employees may not attend May be time consuming to discuss all ideas Consultative management style Implement a Consultative management style in order to increase two-way and open communication between Keith and the employees. Advantages Allows employees to feel ownership in decision making Allows employees to share their ideas and opinions Gives confidence to employees Disadvantages Employees may feel held back to express their opinions because they do not feel comfortable Employees may feel offended if their ideas are not taken into consideration Time consuming Unmotivated staff Goal setting Implement setting goals, which involve employees setting goals that motivate them to improve their capabilities. Advantages Gives self-satisfaction Increases productivity and performance levels Disadvantages Time consuming to distinguish appropriate and achievable goals Goals ay appear as unattainable and lead to employees to give up Job design Mr Dev can alter the job design to assist in identifying and correcting any deficiencies that affect performance and motivation. Advantages Job enlargement, can be used to increase motivation by giving employees more and varied tasks so the employee is motivation to try new tasks Job rotation allows an employee to work in different departments or jobs in an organization to gain better insight into operations motivating the employee to increase his/her skills and knowledge about other jobs. Disadvantages Job enrichment may lead the employee transferred too much responsibility in the kitchen and independence in the planning and control aspects of the job which may suppress motivation levels Reward and Recognition Evaluating each employee to identify which people are performing to their maximum, and rewarding them financially or non-financially for their hard work, therefore motivating other employees to improve their work standards. Advantages Employees will increase performance to obtain more rewards Will produce higher standards amongst the employees Self- enrichment Disadvantages Expensive to keep purchasing rewards and reassess each employee to recognise After a while employees may feel that rewards may not motivate them anymore Keith may not want to undertake the idea of rewarding and recognising employees Insufficient leadership abilities Retrain Keith Retraining programs for Keith within the company or externally will allow Keith to develop better leadership qualities and create a happier workplace. Advantages Positively effects employees to feel trust and support from Keith Keith can evaluate themselves as to what skills are expected to lead the employees Disadvantages May take a while for Keith to learn and adapt to these skills May be expensive Dismiss Keith Dismissing Keith will demolish the issue of poor leadership abilities and will allow the business to replace him with a more experienced manager. Advantages Re-appoint a new manager who possess all correct leadership skills Employees are in a happier environment where they can get the support they need More time appropriate and efficient than retraining Disadvantages May be hard to find a replacement Employees may find it hard to adapt to a new manager and may be resistant to give them a chance due to their bad experience with Keith 6. Recommendation Consultative management style A Consultative management style is the recommended alternative for Keith to address to his employees. The type of management style used by Keith at this point is autocratic, which involves him making decisions for the hospital kitchen unilaterally. Although regular meetings are a good alternative by providing mediation and assistant towards employees, the consultative management style involves a permanent change to the organisation. The consultative style would involve Keith discussing ideas of possible changes to be made within the kitchen, as well as employees being able to give their opinions and ideas. By implementing a consultative management style, employees at the cafeteria will be able to perform to their optimum level, concentrating on increasing common sense approach for Keith to meet the needs and wants of the employees, as well as making employees realise their own abilities and capabilities in performing tasks, (McClelland, 1987). Similarly to regular meetings, the consultative approach gives open communication, however unlike meetings the consultative approach is more permanent in the workplace and is used daily, for example in decision making, gaining assistance with a task or getting support with a concern. This will benefit the kitchen, as the employees will respond more positively to any changes to feel more a part of the workplace and a sense of belonging. Keith will benefit from this style, as he will be given a broader range of ideas as well as maintain his authority to make the final decision. Goal Setting Setting goals is the preferred alternative for Keith to use within the kitchen. Despite the fact being rewarded motivates someone to maintain if not improve performance to be rewarded again, goal setting gives motivation. Goal setting enables employees to measure their processes and work performance. This enables employees to gain feedback on their results, unlike rewards and recognition which just motivates employees to try harder to gain another reward rather than possessing the want to gain the self-satisfaction that they have improved. Edward Locke’s theory of goal setting outlines that in setting specific and challenging goals it enables process and outcome improvement (Locke ; Latham, 1990). Similarly, job design suggests a different form of motivating to increase their skills of different tasks, however it also does hold the ability to measure the improvement that setting goals do. If goal setting is adapted by Keith, his employees would be able to achieve towards a higher performance, as well as motivating them to set higher goals with increasingly difficult tasks, once they have been achieved. Through Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, this can assist in setting goals with Locke and Latham’s theory. Maslow theory suggests that ‘although no need is every fully satisfied, a substantially satisfied need no longer motivates an individual to satisfy that need’ (Robbins, Bergmann, Stagg and Coulter, 2012, p559). This suggests that in identifying each need, physiological safety social esteem and self-actualisation, employees at sir Charles Wilberforce can pinpoint what tasks they need to complete in order to graduate to the next level. For example one of the employees may find that they feel they don’t belong, in order to achieve this level they can set a goal to form relations with other employees on a professional basis. Once this goal is achieved they can move on to develop their esteem needs. Retraining Keith Although, retraining Keith may be considered a time consuming process, compared to the alternative of dismissing Keith, it appears to be a more logical approach. Through retraining, Keith is able to gain leadership skills that he may not be aware are essential skills he needs in order to be a manager. This will transform him from telling his employees what to do, to instead assisting and guiding them through changes. Despite the expenses of this method, it may also be difficult for Keith to cooperate as well as understand the concept of these skills however unlike dismissing, he will be able to improve and allow for a happier work. The trait theory suggests that it is impossible to identify and isolate characteristics from leaders from non-leaders. However there are seven traits associated with leadership, these being ‘drive, the desire to lead, honesty and integrity, self-confidence, intelligence, job-relevant knowledge and extraversion’, (Robbins, 2012, p605). Eventually with the retraining, Keith may possess these seven leadership abilities to involve his employees in decision making process and form a trust bond.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Influence And Leadership Management Essay
The Influence And Leadership Management Essay Just possessing an impressive title or position does not equate to someone being a leader. Leadership is influencing others to follow your vision. The quality of ones leadership is measured by their followers perception of the leaders effectiveness. This perception is driven by the different characteristics and skills that a given leader has as well as the style they use. Which traits they possess and their chosen approach will have a direct impact on the effectiveness of their leadership. This paper will explore the different aspects of a leaders personality and their position in an organization and how those factors impact the levels of influence gained. It is important to make an early distinction, Leaders and managers are not the same. Management focuses on systems and processes, organising and staffing. John Kotter in discussing what leaders really do describes the focus of leadership as motivating and inspiring keeping people moving in the right direction, despite obstacles to change, by appealing to basic but often untapped human needs, values, and emotions (Kotter, 1999, p. 54). There is overlap however, in that both managers and leaders must communicate the direction, but its a leader who will gain the commitment from followers to do what is needed to achieve the vision. Leadership can be referred to as the process of moving a group of people in a certain direction, and if it is to be sustainable it must be done through non-coercive means, thus by gaining influence from the group. Leaders need to create commitment from their followers through motivation and inspiring them to achieve collective goals. Different circumstances may require leaders to use different styles. They may even behave in a different manner depending on who they are interacting with. That being interaction between a leader and a follower may be different than that between a colleague or supervisor. This is referred to as situational leadership, where there isnt always a single approach that will satisfy all tasks, or influence all followers. According to Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard, situational leaders should be able to place more or less emphasis on the task, and more or less emphasis on the relationships with the people theyre leading, depending on whats needed to get the job done successfully (Blanchard Hersey, 2012). In a given situation a leader may be more commanding and tell the employee exactly what to do, and how to do it. This is often referred to as an authoritative style of leadership. In another situation the leader may try to sell their message to gain greater commitment while still giving direction and providing information. Sometimes a participative style is the best fit, where the leader focuses on the relationships in the group and is prepared to share the role of decision making. And finally, a situation may call for a leader to delegate responsibilities to their follower, and take the role of a manager and monitor progress. What style to use will depend on what Hersey and Blanchard refer to as the maturity of the individual or group. This would be the levels of knowledge, skills, and confidence that the followers have (Blanchard Hersey, 2012). If the wrong style is used a leader may be faced with failure as too much responsibility was given to an employee with too low maturity, or being too authoritative to a follower with high maturity can damage the relationship through a lack of trust. Matching the leadership style with the appropriate maturity level (situation) is key to success and can strengthen leader follower relationships that will sustain future success. A strengthened relationship between leaders and followers has proven to be indispensable for an organisations success, as Bass argued the importance of this by highlighting survey results where employees favourable attitudes toward their supervisors contributed to the employees satisfaction. In turn, employees favourable attitudes toward thei r supervisors were usually found to be related to the productivity of the work group (Bass, 1990). Stogdill (1974) argued that Leaders are born, that they posses inherent traits that make them suitable as a leader. This is referred to as trait theory. In Handbook of leadership: A survey of the literature, he observed successful leaders and identified skills and traits that these leaders had. It was thought that if people were selected for leadership positions who also had a combination of these traits, than they too could be great leaders if given the chance. The table below contains Stogdills findings: Traits Skills Adaptable to situations Alert to social environment Ambitious and achievement-orientated Assertive Cooperative Decisive Dependable Dominant (desire to influence others) Energetic (high activity level) Persistent Self-confident Tolerant of stress Willing to assume responsibility Clever (intelligent) Conceptually skilled Creative Diplomatic and tactful Fluent in speaking Knowledgeable about group task Organised (administrative ability) Persuasive Socially skilled  Source: Handbook of leadership: A survey of the literature (Stogdill, 1947) McCall and Lombardo (1983) looked to focus on why some leaders succeed and others fail. They compiled their own list of traits for successful leaders. They argued that a leader needed to be emotionally stable and show composure in difficult situations. The leader should be calm, confident and predictable when under stress. They also saw that successful leaders were able to admit their own errors. That being prepared to own up to mistakes made, rather than focusing energy into covering up their errors. Another key skill they observed was good interpersonal skills. Being able to communicate clearly and persuade others without resorting to negative or coercive tactics is key to successful leadership. And finally McCall and Lombardo see a great importance in a leader possessing intellectual breadth. They describe this as being able to understand a wide range of areas, rather than having a narrow area of expertise. (McCall Lombardo, 1983) This idea that leaders are born has been challenged. Skills and traits can develop over time through life experiences such as a dramatic event, family upbringing, positive role models, work experience, education and training. These experiences can shape and alter an individuals personality. Fiedler and Garcia argue that when there is high uncertainty, or little time to think, we generally fall back on what has worked in the past. Leaders with a large repertoire of previously successful behaviours are more likely to perform better than those who lack this fund of experience (Fiedler Garcia, 2005). This highlights both the importance of experience and decisiveness in being a leader. Most of the skills and traits observed by Stogdill can be developed and shaped through life experiences. However, some skills and traits are more likely to be seen in leaders who are born with a particular personality, such as an extraverted personality. Leadership is a relationship between a group of people and an individual. This relationship is based on both influence and power, but like any relationship, the personalities of its members will dominate its long term success. A leaders personality must fit both the group and the situation. However, as previously referenced there are personality traits that have been consistently observed in successful leaders. Having an extraverted personality is not necessarily a requirement of a leader, just as possessing an introverted personality is not a disqualification. However, extroverts are often associated with some of Stogdills traits. Extroverts are commonly perceived as those with high levels of energy, expressive, and seek close relationships, where as introverts are more low key and prefer solitude (Riggio, 2011). A certain personality may not guarantee one being a better leader, but what it can determine is what type of leader one may be. When we think of great leaders many of the examples would fall into the category of extroverts; Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Steve Jobs, and Bill Clinton. But they also come in the form of introverts; Abraham Lincoln, Bill Gates, and Mahatma Gandhi. All these men were/are great leaders, the difference is in how they approached their position as leader, and thus the relationship in the group. In a recent study by Psychology Today, it was found that social skills may be a better indicator of potential leadership. In the report, Ronald E. Riggio discusses misinterpreting the potential social effectiveness of an extroverts social energy. Riggio argues that if the person lacks the social skills to direct that energy, then the person will not be socially effective. Conversely, socially skilled introverts should do well in social interaction, but in a more low-key manner (Riggio, 2011). Most leadership theories in business environments are based on a transactional relationship between the manager and employee, with the manager being the leader to the employees position as follower. The transaction occurs by the leader offering a reward for the employees performance, this being a wage or bonus. To increase motivation they may pay higher incentives or increase perks. Path goal theory is based on the idea that an employees perception of what is expected regarding their effort and performance is greatly affected by a leaders behaviour. A leader helps his followers (employees) attain rewards by clearly outlining paths to goals and removing obstacles that could negatively affect the followers performance. Leaders do this by providing support, information, and other resources which are required by employees to complete the task and reach their goal. Robert House developed path goal theory and identifies two major dimensions of leadership, those being initiating structure and consideration. Initiating structure is the degree that a leader assigns tasks, specifies procedures, clarifies expectations, and schedules work to be done by their employees (House, 1971). As for consideration, House described this as the degree a leader provides a supportive environment through warmth, friendliness, helpfulness. Leaders do this by being approachable, considerate to the followers personal welfare, and when change is on the horizon, giving advanced notice (House, 1971). House argued that Leaders who initiate structure for subordinates are generally rated highly by superiors and have higher producing work groups than leaders who are low on initiating structure; and that leaders who are considerate of subordinates have more satisfied employees (House, 1971). In this theory leaders are seen more as coaches who want to help their employees succeed. In the text Management: ideas and actions, in contrast to transactional, Duncan offers a definition of transformational leadership as a process whereby individuals create a connection that raises the level of motivation and morality of both the leader and the follower with the primary goal to assist followers in attaining their maximum potential (Duncan, 1999). At the heart of transformational leadership is charisma. Sociologist Max Weber (1968) introduced the term charisma in the nineteenth century and described charismatic leadership as a non-rational form of authority. According to Weber, charisma is defined by a specifically supernatural trait that emerges in natural leaders during times of distress (Weber, 1968). But charisma is almost more in the hands of the followers in that they must buy in to the leaders personality, or vision. It is the followers perception that ultimately decides whether the leader is charismatic. Rukmani argues that transformational leadership is composed of idealized influence and inspirational motivation, which serving as a charismatic role model and articulating a vision of the future that can be shared (Rukmani, et al., 2010). Each style has its place in organisations and at times a leader must be able to be both transformational and transactional at different times. During times of change in organisations, transformational leaders are required to inspire the masses to share their vision. Kotter argues that motivation will be more sustainable when people are energized not by pushing them in the right direction as control mechanisms do but by satisfying basic human needs for achievement, a sense of belonging, recognition, self-esteem, a feeling of control over ones life, and the ability to live up to ones ideals (Kotter, 1999). For that reason, once systems are in place a transactional style is more appropriate to manage the work that now must be completed by those who have the knowledge and skills to do it. Leadership is the process of inspiring others to work hard to accomplish important tasks. Graen and Ulh-Bien (1995) propose three approaches to leadership, which a leader can adopt for effectively leading his or her employees. These include leader-based, relationship-based, and follower-based approaches. The approaches can be used in combinations at the same time with different followers. Effective leadership requires flexibility to employ these approaches in an honest and open manner. The leader-based approach is concerned with establishing and communicating a vision for the company, inspiring the employees commitment and enhancing group cohesion. By doing so, the leader and the followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation. Entrepreneurs who are gifted leaders are extraordinarily good at turning their visions into concrete results. A drawback of this approach is that when people are highly dependent on the leader, they may follow an inappropriate vision without question. The leader-based approach works best when there is a need for fundamental change requiring uniform direction by a charismatic leader and limited diversity among followers. The relationship-based approach is based on developing mutual trust, respect, and obligation between leader and follower, which generates influence between the parties. It emphasises building strong relationships with followers and on mutual learning and accommodation. It works best when there are different types of people with different kinds of needs who have to be managed. Relationship-based leadership can be seen as a sort of partnership between leader and follower. But, it is often time-consuming and relies on long-term relationships between particular leaders and followers. With the follower-based approach, leadership involves empowerment, coaching, facilitating, and giving up control. Accordingly, it requires the ability and motivation of the leaders followers to manage their own performance. Often, this approach makes the most of the followers capabilities, enabling leaders to focus on other responsibilities. The follower-based approach is most effective for performing unstructured tasks, in cases of weak position power of the leader, or non-acceptance of the leader. In a business environment, the leader of the organisation may also be the founder of the company. In this case they are an entrepreneur and a leader. This situation demands that the leader takes on different roles in a new organisation. It often happens that the founder entrepreneur is unable to adapt to the needs of the growing organisation. If the entrepreneur is unable to learn a new set of skills or to relinquish authority, the ventures performance can suffer. Many entrepreneurs cannot or will not break old habits in order to learn the roles they have to play in order to develop the venture, causing the company to lose control and turn profits into losses. The main problem seems to be that all too frequently the founder is reluctant to lose control of the business, wanting to do everything him or herself rather than manage others, so the growth potential of the business is strictly limited by his or her personal energy and capacity. Chandler and Jansen (1992) suggest that there a re three distinct leadership roles that an entrepreneur has to develop adequately. Or, which members of the entrepreneurs management team have to develop. The entrepreneurial role requires the ability to recognise and envision taking advantage of opportunity. This ability has been referred as the core of entrepreneurship and may be contingent on the entrepreneurs familiarity with the market. It can also be described as the drive to see firm creation through to fruition, which requires the willingness and capacity to offer intense and sustained effort. A second role the entrepreneur must fill is the managerial role. This requires the ability to develop programs, budgets, procedures, evaluate performance, and perform other tasks essential to implementing strategy. Individuals with strong managerial skills enjoy high levels of responsibility and authority; they seek positions involving delegation and motivation. The effective manager must be competent in three areas: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Conceptual competence: The mental ability to co-ordinate all of the organisations interests and activities, for instance, effective management of the ventures cash flow. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Human competence: The ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and in groups. The manager must be able to clearly communicate the goals to be achieved and motivate others to behave in a synergistic manner. For instance, this requires the ability to delegate, manage customer and employee relationships, and exercise interpersonal skills. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Political competence: The ability to enhance ones position, builds a power base, and establishes the right connections. This may be particularly important in start-up firms, because the founder must enlist the support of network members. Establishing connections with people who control important resources and possess important skills and abilities is important to the performance of the new venture. Finally there is the technical-function role. To function effectively in the technical-functional role, the entrepreneur/leader must have the ability to use the tools, procedures and techniques of a specialised field. The specific skills required are determined by the industry within which the venture operates. Consider for instance a restaurant spinoff with a strong technical entrepreneur who only has bartending experience. If such an entrepreneur is unable to develop his or her entrepreneurial and managerial role, and if there is no one else in his or her team to fulfil this, the restaurant spinoff is likely to fail. Generally, the entrepreneurial and the technical roles are of the greatest importance at the start of the business. However, in order to grow, the managerial role is of eminent importance as well. If these roles are lacking yet the venture is determined to grow, a strong manager is needed who has the necessary knowledge and skills to fulfil these roles. But this is easier said than done. Most founders hate to step aside even though they are temperamentally unsuited to be managers. Clarysse and Moray (2004) suggest that investors have to be careful when they want to remove the founder-entrepreneur. This is because the initial team often only accepts a newcomer as a CEO once they have been convinced of the shortcomings of their friend as a boss. Business Leaders today face multiple challenges of recruiting and retaining competent employees. In order to succeed both in reaching a common goal and creating commitment amongst their followers, a leader ability to inspire and motivate is crucial. Whether it comes naturally or developed over time, there are skills and traits that an effective leader must have in order to inspire their followers. They will need to be flexible, both for different task requirements and for the differing personalities and skills of their employees. If a leader cant influence their employees then they will have no followers; so then if the leader has no followers than they really arent a leader at all. Without influence there is no leadership.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
To Kill a Mockinbird Report Essay -- essays research papers
To Kill a Mockingbird Book Report      The main characters in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird are Jem, Scout, and Atticus Finch. Jem and Scout are brother and sister, Atticus is their father and Maycomb’s best lawyer . Jem and Scout spend their summers playing with their summer time friend Dill. Jem, Scout, and Dill spend most of their summer trying to get Boo Radley who is suspected to be a crazy man to come out of his home. As their summers pass their hopes of Boo Radley coming out of his home slowly fade away. One summer Atticus is defending a black man who is accused of raping a white teenager. The small town that they live in Maycomb is buzzing and giving the whole Finch family a hard time about the trial. Atticus believes the black man is innocent, and that the girls father was the one to actually beat her up. The black man is convicted guilty. The girls father tells Atticus that he will get him back for making a mockery of him in court. While the black man is in prison he tries to escape and he gets shot to death. A while past and Scout is in a play where she has to be a ham. On the way home from the play Jem and Scout are attacked by a man. Jem is knocked unconscious and Scout cant see a thing because she is trapped in the ham costume. Someone picks up Jem and takes him back home , and Scout gets up and follows. When she gets there her aunt calls the police and they come and start asking her questions about what happened and she doesn’t qu...
Essay --
Virat Kohli was captain of team India at the 2008 Under 19 Cricket World Cup which was held in Malaysia and India Won that World Cup. He did several tactical bowling changes during the tournament. His mother noted that "Virat changed a bit after that day. He became a much more matured and responsible person. From that time he took every match very seriously. It's as if his life changed totally on cricket after that day. Virat Kohli did his repuation no harm when he led India to victory in the 2008 Under-19 World Cup . His performance in the World Cup led to a surprise call-up to the ODI team a few months after the tournament. Virat Kohli credits Mahendra Singh Dhoni for his success as captain.Under Virat Kohli's captaincy, India recorded their first-ever five-match ODI series whitewash on foreign soil after they thrashed Zimbabwe by seven wickets in the final match at Bulawayo. Virat Kohli is a mixture of Both MS Dhoni and Sourav Ganguly (known as Dada) because Kohli is a great leader as well as aggressive. Kohli has endorsements with PepsiCo , Nike , TVS Motors , Fastrack (from Titan) , Royal Challenge , Sangam Suitings , Fair and Lovely , Boost , Toyota Motors , Celkon Mobiles , Cinthol (from Godrej) , Munch (from Nestle) , etc. Virat Kohli set to beat Dhoni and Tendulkar in endorsement earnings. He has signed a Rs.10 crore per year deal with Adidas. KEYWORDS- Young Talent, Inspirational, Aggressive, Motivator, Great Leader PERSONAL LIFE AND BACKGROUND Virat Kohli was born on 5 November 1988 in Delhi to Prem Kohli (father) and Saroj Kohli (mother). He has an elder brother, Vikash and an elder sister, Bhavna. Kohli did his schooling from Vishal Bharti & Savier Convent. His father, Prem, was a lawyer and he passedaway in De... ...s , which is ideal for a lot of brands today. Kohli’s looks are also very attractive , because of that more endorsements he will get and soon will break the record. CONCLUSION- From this Case Study it is concluded that Virat Kohli is one of the finest player of International Cricket. He inspired and motivated Indian Youth from his talent. Many companies endorsed Virat Kohli because of his talent. When Virat Kohli lead team India as Captain , India recorded their first-ever five-match ODI series whitewash outside India after they thrashed Zimbabwe by seven wickets in the final match at their ground and he gave credit to Dhoni for success as a captain. He has achieved many records and signed many brand endorsements like PepsiCo , Nike , Boost , Fair and Lovely , Cinthol , etc. A deal signed between Virat Kohli and Adidas of Rs.10 crore per year. Essay -- Virat Kohli was captain of team India at the 2008 Under 19 Cricket World Cup which was held in Malaysia and India Won that World Cup. He did several tactical bowling changes during the tournament. His mother noted that "Virat changed a bit after that day. He became a much more matured and responsible person. From that time he took every match very seriously. It's as if his life changed totally on cricket after that day. Virat Kohli did his repuation no harm when he led India to victory in the 2008 Under-19 World Cup . His performance in the World Cup led to a surprise call-up to the ODI team a few months after the tournament. Virat Kohli credits Mahendra Singh Dhoni for his success as captain.Under Virat Kohli's captaincy, India recorded their first-ever five-match ODI series whitewash on foreign soil after they thrashed Zimbabwe by seven wickets in the final match at Bulawayo. Virat Kohli is a mixture of Both MS Dhoni and Sourav Ganguly (known as Dada) because Kohli is a great leader as well as aggressive. Kohli has endorsements with PepsiCo , Nike , TVS Motors , Fastrack (from Titan) , Royal Challenge , Sangam Suitings , Fair and Lovely , Boost , Toyota Motors , Celkon Mobiles , Cinthol (from Godrej) , Munch (from Nestle) , etc. Virat Kohli set to beat Dhoni and Tendulkar in endorsement earnings. He has signed a Rs.10 crore per year deal with Adidas. KEYWORDS- Young Talent, Inspirational, Aggressive, Motivator, Great Leader PERSONAL LIFE AND BACKGROUND Virat Kohli was born on 5 November 1988 in Delhi to Prem Kohli (father) and Saroj Kohli (mother). He has an elder brother, Vikash and an elder sister, Bhavna. Kohli did his schooling from Vishal Bharti & Savier Convent. His father, Prem, was a lawyer and he passedaway in De... ...s , which is ideal for a lot of brands today. Kohli’s looks are also very attractive , because of that more endorsements he will get and soon will break the record. CONCLUSION- From this Case Study it is concluded that Virat Kohli is one of the finest player of International Cricket. He inspired and motivated Indian Youth from his talent. Many companies endorsed Virat Kohli because of his talent. When Virat Kohli lead team India as Captain , India recorded their first-ever five-match ODI series whitewash outside India after they thrashed Zimbabwe by seven wickets in the final match at their ground and he gave credit to Dhoni for success as a captain. He has achieved many records and signed many brand endorsements like PepsiCo , Nike , Boost , Fair and Lovely , Cinthol , etc. A deal signed between Virat Kohli and Adidas of Rs.10 crore per year.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The World of Sweatshops Essay -- Informative Essays
It is close to 100 degrees; it has been at least ten hours since the last break. The woman working next to you severed her finger on the machine today, and the wage for one day of working will not be enough to buy a decent meal. How thrilling does it sound to work in a sweatshop? This is the only option for most women and children working in the third world, to support their family’s needs. There is very little, if anything being done to resolve this shocking situation. No person should be exposed to this type of work atmosphere. Sweatshops are inhumane working environments. Women and children are most often the ones affected by the cruelty of sweatshops. Child laborers in most countries serve to support their families to maintain the ordinary standard of living (Hartman). In third world countries, it is, in a sense, customary for children to do the bulk of the work to support their families. Women and children had to work in sweatshops to support their families (Olson, Wladaver-Morgan 525). When families immigrated to the United States, there were not many jobs to be had; their only choice for survival was for the women and the children of the family to work in sweatshops for bare minimum wages. Women and children are most closely associated with the abuses of sweatshops. Wages for women and children in sweatshops are far from reasonable. Women and children always seem to suffer the worst effects in this work industry. According to Enderle, â€Å"Firms that practice child labor tend to stunt the children’s growth and they preclude their developing and rudimentary skills learned in grade school so they can get decent jobs when they are adults and lead fulfilling lives†(274). Children that are working in sweatshops are not de... ...ed a â€Å"real†solution, but chances of this are slim. Works Cited Enderle, Georges. International Business Ethics. Notre Dame, Indiana: The University of Notre Dame Press. 1999. Hartman, Laura Pincus. â€Å"The Ethical Challenge of Global Labor Standards.†Journal of Employment Discrimination Law 2.1 (winter 2000) 77. Business Source Premier. EBSCO. Roesch Library, Dayton. 16 Oct. 2002. . Moran, Theodore H. Beyond Sweatshops. Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2002. Olson, James S., and Susan Wladaver-Morgan. Dictionary of United States Economic History. Westport, CN: Greenwood Press, 1992. 523-524. Wangel, Arne. â€Å"Work Hazards and Safety Organization in the Third World.†Acta Sociologica 31.4 (1988) 343-349. Business Source Premier. EBSCO. Roesch Library, Dayton. 16 Oct. 2002. .
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
United States Vs Midwest Solvent Recovery Environmental Sciences Essay
In the instance of the United States v. Midwest Solvent Recovery, I believe that the the suspect ( Midwest Solvent Recovery, Inc. ) was negligent in the operation of the installations and that the two sites became a public nuisance. First of all, in the class of runing its concern, Midwest Solvent placed a big figure of membranophones on belongingss next to the Midco # 1 site without the permission or presentment of the belongingss ‘ proprietors. It was besides a residential country. In add-on, the country # 1 was n't guarded and they was n't fenced-in, intending that they did non make much to forestall accidents. The membranophones incorporating risky stuff were besides non stored or disposed suitably ( Weinberg, 2006 ) . This is negligent of the suspect because they were neglecting to exert the attention expected of a reasonably prudent individual in such fortunes ( Cornell University Law School, 2011 ) . Then fire of enormous size broke out on Midco # 1 and in the class of the wining hebdomad ravaged the site. The fire consumed much of the chemical waste stuffs stored in the 1000s of membranophones stacked on the land and on each other. The fire caused the coevals of toxic exhausts and caused a big figure of the 55-gallon membranophones to rocket up to 250 pess in the air ( Weinberg, 2006 ) . Besides, the toxicant waste penetrated through top dirt, possibly even making H2O tabular arraies. I believe this is a nuisance because it was something unauthorised that became deleterious to the community at big ( Adams, 2006 ) . An injunction to forestall pollution prevents a threatened hurt, preserves the position quo, or restrains the continued committee of an on-going incorrect but can non be used to right a consummated wrong or to undo that which has already been done. On the other manus, an injunction that requires remotion of pollution attempts do undo what has already been done. If we evaluate the cost-benefit analysis, it would do more sense to hold a preventive attack as it is less dearly-won and frequently less work/trouble/complicated than to take pollution that is already in the air, H2O, and/or dirt ( Mayer, 2007 ) . Besides, in public wellness our end is to forestall diseases because if we merely took action after everyone had diseases, it may be excessively late for some ( no hope of acquiring better ) . As it is best described â€Å" an ounce of bar is worth a lb of remedy †. This is the same rule with the environment. If we do non forestall pollution, so it could make threshold and our wellness could endure. Although there may be ways to take some beginnings of taint, non all taint from the air, dirt, and H2O is possible. It may besides be excessively late to recover what we one time had. This is why we are seeking to take action on planetary heating effects today before it does excessively much harm to our environment, therefore our wellness ( Mayer, 2007 ) . The general responsibility clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ) has criterions that require employers to take control steps for the dangers of specific jeopardies or operations ( e.g. electricity and confined infinite work ) . However, the authorization who created and wrote the OSHA Torahs understood that it would be impossible to anticipate and make a criterion for every jeopardy in the workplace. Therefore, they added a subdivision to the jurisprudence necessitating employers to protect against other foreseeable jeopardies non covered by a specific OSHA criterion. This is what they call the aa‚ ¬Aâ€Å"General Dutyaa‚ ¬A? clause ( McGuire, 2004 ) . For a jeopardy to be covered by the general responsibility clause it must be recognized. Over the old ages, OSHA has issued reading letters bespeaking specific jeopardies that could be considered recognized, including most notably ergonomic hazards, heat and cold emphasis and workplace force ( Demby, 2009 ) . As earlier, OSHA will find whether a peculiar jeopardy is recognized on a individual footing. But the new Field Operations Manual clarifies the standard OSHA will utilize to measure acknowledgment of jeopardies. More significantly, the standards themselves are highly wide and will do it much easier for OSHA to happen that a jeopardy was recognized ( Demby, 2009 ) . A material safety informations sheet ( MSDS ) is a signifier with informations sing the belongingss of a peculiar substance. It provide workers and exigency forces with processs for managing or working with that substance in a safe mode, and includes information such as physical informations ( brassy point, runing point, boiling point, etc. ) , toxicity, wellness effects, foremost assistance, responsiveness, storage, disposal, protective equipment, and spill-handling processs. MSDS formats can change from beginning to beginning within a state depending on national demands. The MSDS besides provide instructions on proper substance usage, therefore supplying utile hazard communicating and ways to assist forestall workplace hurts ( U.S. Department of Labor, 2010 ) . Because of the earnestness of these safety and wellness jobs, and because many employers and employees know small or nil about them, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ) issued the Hazard Communication Standard. The basic end of the criterion is to be certain employers and employees know about work jeopardies and how to protect themselves ; this should assist to cut down the incidence of chemical beginning unwellness and hurts. The Hazard Communication Standard establishes unvarying demands to do certain that the jeopardies of all chemicals imported into, produced, or used in U.S. workplaces are evaluated, and that this jeopardy information is transmitted to affected employers and exposed employees via MSDS ( U.S. Department of Labor, 1998 ) . A material safety informations sheet ( MSDS ) is a signifier with informations sing the belongingss of a peculiar substance. It provide workers and exigency forces with processs for managing or working with that substance in a safe mode, and includes information such as physical informations ( brassy point, runing point, boiling point, etc. ) , toxicity, wellness effects, foremost assistance, responsiveness, storage, disposal, protective equipment, and spill-handling processs. MSDS formats can change from beginning to beginning within a state depending on national demands. The MSDS besides provide instructions on proper substance usage, therefore supplying utile hazard communicating and ways to assist forestall workplace hurts ( U.S. Department of Labor, 2010 ) . Because of the earnestness of these safety and wellness jobs, and because many employers and employees know small or nil about them, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ) issued the Hazard Communication Standard. The basic end of the criterion is to be certain employers and employees know about work jeopardies and how to protect themselves ; this should assist to cut down the incidence of chemical beginning unwellness and hurts. The Hazard Communication Standard establishes unvarying demands to do certain that the jeopardies of all chemicals imported into, produced, or used in U.S. workplaces are evaluated, and that this jeopardy information is transmitted to affected employers and exposed employees via MSDS ( U.S. Department of Labor, 1998 ) . Despite the name, the Superfund trust fund lacks sufficient financess to clean up even a little figure of the sites on the National Priorities List ( NPL ) . As a consequence, the authorities will typically order potentially responsible party ( PRPs ) to clean up the site themselves. If a party fails to follow with such an order, it may be fined up to $ 25,000 for each twenty-four hours that non-compliance continues. A party that spends money to clean up a site may action certain other PRPs under the CERCLA. A related proviso allows a party that has reimbursed another party ‘s response costs to seek part from other PRPs, during or after the original case. An â€Å" orphan portion †is the portion of waste at a Superfund site that can non be collected because the PRP is either unidentifiable or insolvent ( Weinberg, 2006 ) . Although the reply to this hebdomad ‘s treatment inquiry can convey up controversial argument, I believe that it ‘s just that the exercising of due attention is non considered a defence in Superfund. If person by chance contaminates an country with risky waste, it should be their duty to clean-up their muss, whether or non care was taken to forestall this accident. By making so, it teaches people that they need to take duty for their actions and should guarantee that preventive steps are taken to guarantee to no accidents occur in the first topographic point. It ‘s the same rule as having a Canis familiaris. The Canis familiaris may be fenced-in the backyard, but if that Canis familiaris someway digs a hole under the fencing and does damage to the neighbour ‘s pace, it ‘s still the proprietor ‘s duty to take attention of that Canis familiaris and to repair what the Canis familiaris damaged ( apt ) , despite that steps were put into topographic poin t to forestall this. In add-on, the costs associated with the killing of risky stuffs should non come out of guiltless taxpayers ‘ pockets because finally, they are n't the 1s managing the risky waste and have n't do the accident. The 1s that are responsible should pay the monetary value for their errors ( Weinberg, 2006 ) . Sick edifice causes are often pinned down to blemish in the warming, airing, and air conditioning ( HVAC ) systems. Other causes have been attributed to contaminations produced by outgassing of some types of edifice stuffs, volatile organic compounds ( VOC ) , casts, improper fumes airing of ozone ( by-product of some office machinery ) , light industrial chemicals used within, or deficiency of equal fresh-air intake/air filtration ( Sick Building Syndrome and indoor clime control, n.d. ) . Some edifice proprietors view ill edifice syndrome as the fact that many people feel better when they are non at work. However, if more than 20 % of edifice residents complain of symptoms such as centripetal annoyance of the eyes, nose, pharynx ; neurotoxic or general wellness jobs ; clamber annoyance ; nonspecific hypersensitivity reactions ; and olfactory property and gustatory sensation esthesiss, it is considered as Sick Building Syndrome ( SBS ) ( Lawrence, 2002 ) . Several ill residents may describe person symptoms which do non look to be connected. The key to find is the increased incidence of unwellnesss in general with oncoming or aggravation within a reasonably close clip frame, normally within a period of hebdomads. In most instances, SBS symptoms will be relieved shortly after the residents leave the peculiar room or zone. However, there can be lingering effects of assorted neurolysins, which may non unclutter up when the resident leaves the edifice. Particularly in sensi tive persons there can be long-run wellness effects ( EPA, 2011 ) . The ordinances by OSHA are intended to turn to indoor air quality in indoor work environments and besides try to command environmental baccy fume. The ordinances are of peculiar involvement because they are directed at landlords and renters likewise. Specifically, an employer is defined under the ordinance to include edifice proprietors and leaseholders who control airing or care of premises where employees of other employers work. In cases where there are multiple employers/lessees within a individual edifice, the ordinances contemplate a sharing of duty. OSHA specifically states in its remarks on the proposed ordinances that â€Å" where there is a multi-employer work site, [ it is contemplated ] that the affected employers will split up the duties in the mode in which they make the most sense †( EPA, 2011 ) There are more than 100,000 known species of cast, some of which can do respiratory jobs, skin/nose/throat annoyance, sinus congestion, chronic weariness, and oculus annoyance to call a few. Many place and workplace related complaints are now being attributed entirely or in portion to model. The dangers are potentially fatal to babies and persons with weak immune systems ( EPA, 2010 ) . Mold is most likely to turn where there is H2O or moistness. Preventing mold taint before it starts is best because the undertaking of decontamination could be overpowering. The four primary activities to assist forestall the spread of cast toxins are: 1. Excess wet decrease 2. Dust control 3. Ventilation and control of toxins 4. Education ( Lawrence, 2002 ) In general the EPA does non urge trying unless an resident of the infinite is diagnostic. When sampling is necessary it should be performed by a trained professional who has specific experience in planing mold-sampling protocols, trying methods, and the reading of findings. The most common signifier of trying to measure the degree of cast. Sampling of the interior and out-of-door air is conducted and the consequences to the degree of cast spores inside the premises and exterior are compared. Often, air trying will supply positive designation of the being of non-visible cast ( EPA, 2010 ) . Of class the first measure in work outing an indoor cast job is halting the beginning of wet. Next is to take the mold growing. Common remedies for little happenings of mold include: * Sunlight * Ventilation * Non-porous edifice stuffs * Household cleansing agents ( EPA, 2011 ) As a general regulation, merely killing the cast with a biocide is non plenty. The cast must be removed since the chemicals and proteins, which cause a reaction in worlds, are still present even in dead cast ( Maine Indoor Air Quality Council, 2010 ) . I believe that the proposed indoor air criterion was ne'er put into consequence because since the proposal was issued, many provinces and local authoritiess and private employers have taken action to restrict smoke in public countries and in workplaces. In add-on, the part of the proposal non related to environmental baccy smoke received small attending during the rulemaking proceedings, and much of that consisted of commenters naming into inquiry important parts of the proposal. As a consequence, record grounds back uping the non-environmental baccy smoke part of the proposal is thin ( EPA, 2011 ) . In peculiar a licence may be issued by governments, to let or restrict an activity that would otherwise be forbidden. It may necessitate paying a fee and/or turn outing a capableness. The demand may besides function to maintain the governments informed on a type of activity, and to give them the chance to put conditions and restrictions ( Burton and Sanjour, 1970 ) . Emissions trading is an attack used to command pollution by supplying economic inducements for accomplishing decreases in the emanations of pollutants. The overall end of an emanations trading program is to minimise the cost of run intoing a set emanations mark. The cap is an enforceable bound on emanations that is normally lowered over clip, taking towards a national emanations decrease mark. In other systems a part of all traded credits must be retired, doing a net decrease in emanations each clip a trade occurs. In many cap-and-trade systems, organisations which do non foul may besides take part, therefore environmental groups can buy and retire allowances or credits and therefore drive up the monetary value of the balance harmonizing to the jurisprudence of demand ( Environment, Climate Change & A ; Water, 2011 ) . A cardinal authorization ( normally a governmental organic structure ) sets a bound or cap on the sum of a pollutant that can be emitted. The bound or cap is allocated or sold to houses in the signifier of emanations licenses which represent the right to breathe or dispatch a specific volume of the specified pollutant. Firms are required to keep a figure of licenses ( or carbon credits ) equivalent to their emanations. The entire figure of licenses can non transcend the cap, restricting entire emanations to that degree. Firms that need to increase their emanation permits must purchase licenses from those who require fewer licenses. The transportation of licenses is referred to as a trade ( EPA, 2003 ) . In consequence, the purchaser is paying a charge for fouling, while the marketer is being rewarded for holding reduced emanations. Therefore, in theory, those who can cut down emanations most cheaply will make so, accomplishing the pollution decrease at the lowest cost to society ( En vironment, Climate Change & A ; Water, 2011 ) .
Monday, September 16, 2019
Children or adults that are not listening through general disrespect Essay
If you make eye contact with the adult or child you can draw their attention towards you. Calling out a child’s name will make them turn to face you so that you can talk to them. If you lower the tone of your voice and talking in a quiet calm manner, the adult or child would have to concentrate more to try to hear what you are saying and will also help calm an active child down enough to listen to you attentively. It’s also an affective method to calm an angry parent who is shouting and doesn’t want to hear what you are saying. You could also hold a child’s hands so they know it’s them that you are talking to. You could adapt the surroundings, like taking a parent or child into an office to talk to them. If an adult is angry and is not listening to what you are saying, you could also let them have their say first so that once they have voiced their opinion they will be ready to hear what you have to say. Hearing impairment and speech impediments Using sign language and speaking clearly helps us to communicate with hearing impaired people, they can understand what we are saying through lip reading and the sign language will help emphasis that. If people have speech impediments it is important to allow them plenty of time to speak, rushing them can make them nervous and make the impediment worse or stop them from communicating at all. Using flash cards is also another way of communicating, with children and adults that have hearing and speech problems. (see attachment) Behavioural problems and learning difficulties If a person you are communicating with has behavioural problems or learning difficulties it is important that you are patient with them. Using simple language with people with learning difficulties help them to understand what you are saying. By identifying the problem then trying to understand it, you can find ways in which to adapt your approach to a way that they will understand you. If a child is hyperactive, trying to get them to sit down and hold a conversation will be difficult, but doing it through play is a way to hold their concentration. English not being the first language (ESOL) Using simple vocabulary will improve understanding and using body language and hand gestures help by emphasis what is being said. A good way of communicating with parents/carers that don’t use English as a first language is by compiling a multilingual newsletter, where you can put across any information and not have miscommunication. You can also set up a buddy system with adults or children, where there maybe another child who is bilingual that can help translate. Shy or timid people Interacting with adults and children on a one on one basis helps to communicate with introvert people. With adults this could be in the form of a meeting, and with children this can be through play. Circle time is another way of helping shy children talk, asking individuals questions or singing songs. Not getting on with colleagues or dealing with two faced people Holding staff meetings with a unbiased coordinator gives staff a chance to air their grievances and find a possible resolution to them. Team building exercises can also help people get along, through play with children to colleagues being put on a project together. With children you can also reinforce club rules, and with colleagues you can reinforce policies. You can also used role play and read stories, giving children a different view on what they are doing wrong and see how treating their peers bad affects them. Not making time or effort to communicate Arranging meetings with staff or parents/carers will give enough notice for them to make time for a meeting. With children you can use circle time as an opportunity to have class discussions.
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