Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Bond Valuation Essay Example for Free
Bond Valuation Essay Discuss the impact of Standard Poor’s downgrading the U.S. credit rating in 2011. Address current and likely future impact on U.S. business, individuals, the global economy and current financial practices. Provide specific examples to support your response. The impact of Standard Poor’s downgrading the U.S. credit rating in 2011 shows us as consumers and investors that we should keep watch on all aspects of the government’s spending. A persistent crisis of confidence in the stock market could put the economy in a tailspin. The impact it would have on current U.S. business, individual global economy and current financial practices in nothing new that this country does not already know or should have seen in the past several years. Businesses have either gone belly-up or merged with another company to save what was left. An example of this is the health care system where a small privately owned practice is unable to carry on with the demands of running its own business and in order to save his business they are able to sign under a local hospital entity and continue on as usual not feeling much of the effects outside of possible changes in company policies and who is now actually paying the bills. The individuals effected is such a rating are those trying to establish a goal of retirement or credit building on their own and is forced to dig into their own savings in order to make ends meet due to the increasing tax demands taking what was once available to them. Globally this impact could result in outside investors not willing to extent already past amounts for the U.S. and further loans and cause the U.S. to grab what little the smaller businesses, families, and financial institutions are able to squeeze and cause more unemployed, closed companies and a downfall of the presumption that the U.S. is the country where dreams are made†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦of course all this won’t happen overnight but if things do not change, this is what we could be facing.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
sunday too far away :: essays research papers
Sunday Too Far Away is set on an Australian sheep station in 1955. It shows the life of a shearer, Foley (played by Jack Thompson), In the hardships of living through the union action of that year and the consequences of age in the demanding and competitive world of the shearers.      the film traces the actions of Foley . Foley is a long time gun shearer who has returned from retirement for one last season to make the most of a pay rise to shearers. Though out shawn by a new comer Foley is the uncontested leader of the shearing gang. Through him and scenes like the unmotivated break down in front of the owner's daughter, the only feminine aspect of the film, the audience receives the emotion of the film. His predicament and the feel of the film are emphasized with the parellelism of the older alchoholic Garth and his young clumsy counter part. Foley is the most active character initiating brawls and jeering the arriving scabs. Director Ken Hannam uses the eclectic character range of the film to demonstrate the masculinity and mateship of Australian culture in the era. The competitiveness, alchoholism, gambling and distain for the daughter reak â€Å"Aussie†maleness and provide a bleak but relative humour to the film. Through out the film speech is kept to a minimum and the feel of the film is replaced by actions such as the scene where Foley and his â€Å"mate†compete in washing clothes while naked. Through similar scenes it seems that Ken Hannam is showing the nessecity and pain of masculine culture through the characters and situations presented. sunday too far away :: essays research papers Sunday Too Far Away is set on an Australian sheep station in 1955. It shows the life of a shearer, Foley (played by Jack Thompson), In the hardships of living through the union action of that year and the consequences of age in the demanding and competitive world of the shearers.      the film traces the actions of Foley . Foley is a long time gun shearer who has returned from retirement for one last season to make the most of a pay rise to shearers. Though out shawn by a new comer Foley is the uncontested leader of the shearing gang. Through him and scenes like the unmotivated break down in front of the owner's daughter, the only feminine aspect of the film, the audience receives the emotion of the film. His predicament and the feel of the film are emphasized with the parellelism of the older alchoholic Garth and his young clumsy counter part. Foley is the most active character initiating brawls and jeering the arriving scabs. Director Ken Hannam uses the eclectic character range of the film to demonstrate the masculinity and mateship of Australian culture in the era. The competitiveness, alchoholism, gambling and distain for the daughter reak â€Å"Aussie†maleness and provide a bleak but relative humour to the film. Through out the film speech is kept to a minimum and the feel of the film is replaced by actions such as the scene where Foley and his â€Å"mate†compete in washing clothes while naked. Through similar scenes it seems that Ken Hannam is showing the nessecity and pain of masculine culture through the characters and situations presented.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Haier: What is technological change? Essay
Technological change (TC) is a term that is used to describe the overall process of invention, innovation and diffusion of technology or processes.[1][2] The term is synonymous with technological development, technological achievement, and technological progress. In essence TC is the invention of a technology (or a process), the continuous process of improving a technology (in which it often becomes cheaper) and its diffusion throughout industry or society. In short, technological change is based on both better and more technology. Haier as a manufactural group and technologic change also impact them deeply. For example after Haier established they faces on fridge and air condition unit 1997 its entering color TV industry as the initiative, and it went into the industries of black household appliances and information household appliances. In 21st centry with the development of technologic Haier also expand their product range. For instance Haier Digital and Personal Product Group is a good example. They are engaged in multiple fields such as home appliances, computers and mobile phones. It is the only manufacturer in China that is able to produce big screens of TV, mid-sized screens of computer as well as small mobile screens. Haier takes personalized entertainment to another level by offering a brand new and unique smart home life solution through â€Å"cloud family†plan. Centered by Cloud Smart TV, cloud family integrates computers, mobile phones and home appliances to comprehensive interconnection and interaction. In recent month Haier digital developed DV- WF10 intelligent cloud camera. It can connect with terminal equipment (intelligent mobile phone, computer, PAD, etc.) in the wireless network. So customers can use wireless uploading the pictures or videos to phones or computer directly. With the development of biology mapped the entire sequence of human genes which improves our ability to treat a wide range of diseases and illnesses that are linked to the genes.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
____________________________________ .. W E B S T E Ru
____________________________________ W E B S T E R U N I V E R S I T Y Center for Graduate and Professional Studies ____________________________________ MID-TERM EXAM Chapters 1-6 Student Name: David McNamee__ Open Book Exam 1a. The phases that Jeannine skipped are 1. The systems analysis and requirements phase 2. The systems design phase 3. The implementation phase and 4. Operations and Maintenance phase (Systems support and security). 1b. When Jeannine skipped the system analysis phase, she failed to analyze the needs of the end user and whether the system she came up with would meet her final requirements. Although Jeannine incorrectly believes she knows what is required she is unaware that the financial comptroller†¦show more content†¦The misconception that a system can be quickly thrown together that will meet all the requirements of an organization and its clients is common. 1d. The conclusions that can be drawn from Chapter 2 lead me to believe that Jeannine can be taught to plan strategically and that she can also learn why it is important to do so. Had Jeannine followed the proper planning process she would have been able to resolve most of the issues that she encountered before they were a problem. 2a. Steven failed to do several things as a Project Manager. He failed to deliver the product on time and within budget, as well as managing expectations. His failures were a result of poor planning, prompt or advance requesting of resources, and a failure to communicate with his team, management and the end user. Steve’s job as the PM is to monitor progress, ensure key stakeholders keep their people focused on the task and prevent delays, or if delays occur communicate those issues to management. Managing stake holders and keeping them focused on requirements and due dates goes a long way towards preventing problems. Steve seems to have failed at this. 2b. Using the creeping requirements as an excuse seems to be a mistake as it implies project mismanagement. If the project had been properly monitored scope creep could have been detected early and managed. 2c. As the PM, Steven should have been aware of what was occurring in the project always.Show MoreRelatedPublic Fe Reference Handbook.Pdf46179 Words  | 185 PagesNational Council of Examiners for Engineering DQG 6XUYH\LQJ 1((6 DV WKH  ¿UVW VWHS WRZDUG SURIHVVLRQDO HQJLQHHULQJ OLFHQVXUH ,W LV GHVLJQHG IRU VWXGHQWV FRPSOHWLQJ D EDFKHORU GHJUHH SURJUDP LQ HQJLQHHULQJ 7KH )( H[DP FRQVLVWV RI WZR KRXU VHVVLRQV ²RQH DGPLQLVWHUHG LQ WKH PRUQLQJ DQG WKH RWKHU LQ WKH DIWHUQRRQ 7KH PRUQLQJ VHVVLRQ WHVWV WKH VXEMHFW PDWWHU FRYHUHG E\ WKH  ¿UVW VHPHVWHU FUHGLW KRXUV RI HQJLQHHULQJ FRXUVHZRUN ZKLOH WKH DIWHUQRRQ VHVVLRQ WHVWV XSSHUGLYLVLRQ VXEMHFW NQRZOHGJHRead MoreOrganic Chemistry Worksheet Answers1073 Words  | 5 Pagesm.u\ \q\\Lxc.$s CHr i a.CH3-CH2-CH-CH-CH. I CH: 9n tt e. CHr-CH-CH-CH-CHl I t- f, ,3, q - \c *jtr1\\-s.x^t*- CHz I CH: CHr CHr CHr f. CH3-CH2-CH-CH-CH CHr ? !t I j \- A.^ r.alh-{hq{n-* Ll A A \-k ,e*q\t^-tt i fl --lu*,Uo..q b cur-f-is-a, ll cH: g. CH: I CH2 3 ;1, iu .t\1ihq\aru- CH3-CH-CH-CHr I 3 a-O,trtrc$nt1t ? c cHl-C-CH3 CH: h. is-cHr-cH, I CH: b*fa^q- lt . A CHz-CHr Read MorePreparation of 1-Phenyl-3-Phenylaminopyrrolidine-2,5-Dione an Organic Laboratory Experiment on the Michael Addition1009 Words  | 5 Pages5dione 2 (Method A). Compound 2 can also he obtained in one step by using commercially available maleanilic acid (Merck) or, albeit in slightly lower overall yield, by refluxing maleic anhydride and aniline in 12molar ratio in acetic acid (Method B) (Fig. 1). The experiment is operationally simple, requiring simply manual stirring, filtration, and recrystallization, readily available inexpensive reagents, and short reaction time. Thus, it is ideally suited to the students. 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Keywords: International trade, gravity equation, heterogeneity  ¶  µÃ‚šÂ›Â ¢ ™š›  ´  ¥ Ââ€"  ³  £Ã‚›  ¤  ³Ã‚Å¡  £ Ââ€"  ± Ââ€" ¢  ¥  ° Ââ€"›   ¬ •  ª  ¨  ¤Ã‚Å¡  š›š  ¥ Ââ€"•  ¤  šÂ ¢  ž  Ââ€" ™ Ââ€" Ââ€"›š ™ ˜ Ââ€" Ââ€" Ââ€"  ¤8 §Ã‚•Â ¦Ã‚…f ¨Ã‚ ²Ã‚ ¦Ã‚ ¨Ã‚ ²EBŸy ®Ã‚Å" ¦Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ®B «Ã‚ ©)fw §Ã‚•Â“ ¦Ã‚•I0 £ 8h ¨Ã‚ ¡Ã‚ŸÂ ¨~ÂÅ"E•Qf4 ¨4B• †“ Â’    ‰ ÂŽ Š‹ Š‰ € k t s y m i y i y ÂÆ'o ko n  € yo ™ s q i ™ | { z q z yn w k v e ™ tf o d ™ s q pofnf m k i ™ gf ™ e d ™ ˆÂâ€"Ââ€" Ââ€Ã‚’ ‘ p Â…4‘ 4 ©6 ÂÅ' ¨8ˆRead MoreBond and Percent10559 Words  | 43 Pages+ $1,000(PVIFR%,9) |  Notice the equation cannot be solved directly for R. Using a spreadsheet, a financial calculator, or trial and error, we find: |  R = YTM = 10.15% | Suppose you buy a 7 percent coupon, 20-year bond today when it s first issued. 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