Monday, May 25, 2020
Black Marriage Four Myths Busted by the Facts
Do black people get married? That question has been asked in one form or another in a series of news reports about the black marriage â€Å"crisis.†On the surface, such stories seem to be concerned about black women in search of love, but these media reports have largely served to fuel stereotypes about African Americans. Moreover, by suggesting that too few black men are available to wed, news stories on black marriage have done little more than predict doom and gloom for African American women who hope to marry. In reality, black marriage isn’t reserved for the likes of Barack and Michelle Obama. Analysis of census data and other figures has debunked much of the misinformation floating around in the media about the black marriage rate. Black Women Don’t Marry The barrage of news reports about the black marriage rate gives the impression that African-American women’s chances of walking down the aisle are bleak. A Yale University study found that just 42 percent of black women are married, and a variety of high profile news networks such as CNN and ABC picked that figure up and ran with it. But researchers Ivory A. Toldson of Howard University and Bryant Marks of Morehouse College question the accuracy of this finding. â€Å"The often-cited figure of 42 percent of black women never marrying includes all black women 18 and older,†Toldson told the â€Å"Raising this age in an analysis eliminates age groups we dont really expect to be married and gives a more accurate estimate of true marriage rates.†Toldson and Marks found that 75 percent of black women marry before they turn age 35 after examining census data from 2005 to 2009. Moreover, black women in small towns have higher marriage rates than white women in urban centers such as New York and Los Angeles, Toldson remarked in the New York Times. Educated Black Women Have it Harder Getting a college degree is the worst thing a black woman can do if she wants to get married, right? Not exactly. News stories about black marriage often mention that more black women pursue higher education than black men  by a 2-to-1 ratio, by some estimates. But what these pieces leave out is that white women also earn college degrees more than white men do, and this gender imbalance hasn’t hurt white women’s chances at matrimony. What’s more, black women who finish college actually improve their chances of marrying rather than lower them. â€Å"Among black women, 70 percent of college graduates are married by 40, whereas only about 60 percent of black high school graduates are married by that age,†Tara Parker-Pope of the New York Times reported. The same trend is at play for black men. In 2008, 76 percent of black men with a college degree married by age 40. In contrast, only 63 percent of black men with just a high school diploma tied the knot. So education increases the likelihood of marriage for both African American men and women. Also, Toldson points out that black women with college degrees are more likely to marry than white female high school dropouts. Rich Black Men Marry Out Black men drop black women as soon as they reach a certain level of success, don’t they? While plenty of rap stars, athletes and musicians may choose to date or marry interracially when they achieve fame, the same is not true for the bulk of successful black men. By analyzing census data, Toldson and Marks found that 83 percent of married black men who earned at least $100,000 annually got hitched to black women. The same is the case for educated black men of all incomes. Eighty-five percent of black male college graduates married black women. Generally, 88 percent of married black men (no matter their income or educational background) have black wives. This means that interracial marriage should not be held responsible for the singleness of black women. Black Men Don’t Earn as Much as Black Women Just because black women are more likely to graduate from college than their male counterparts doesn’t mean that they out-earn black men. Actually, black men are more likely than black women to bring home at least $75,000 annually. Plus, double the number of black men than women make at least $250,000 annually. Because of pervasive gender gaps in income, black men remain the breadwinners in the African American community. These numbers indicate that there are more than enough financially successful black men to go around for black women. Of course, not every black woman is looking for a breadwinner. Not every black woman is even seeking marriage. Some black women are happily single. Others are gay, lesbian or bisexual and were unable to legally wed those they love until 2015 when the Supreme Court overturned the ban on gay marriage. For heterosexual black women in search of marriage, however, the forecast is not nearly as gloomy as has been portrayed in the media.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Vatican City Of Rome s Basilica The Home Of Pope Francis
The Sistine Chapel †¦ St. Peter’s Square †¦ Saint Peter’s Basilica †¦ The home of Pope Francis., What do all these famous places have in common? They are all in The Vatican City. Vatican City, an independent state within the city of Rome, is ruled by the Pope and is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church. (Ruhl 1) (Blake 2) Vatican city, the smallest country, has the smallest population in the world. The Vatican stamps their own coins (Ruhl 3). The full name of the country is the State of Vatican City, and it is the spiritual and governing center of the Roman Catholic Church. Vatican is usually referred to as a City State and often called â€Å"The Holy See†. It stands on Vatican Hill in northwestern Rome, Italy west of†¦show more content†¦The men main duty is to protect the Pope. The Swiss Guards wear colorful uniforms protecting the Guards since 1506 (Klein 3). To be a Swiss Guard, have to be Catholic and take the oath of loyalty to the Pope. The men have to be at least 5’8.5 inches tall and between the ages 19 to 30 (Ruhl 4). Swiss Guard Commander, Alois Estermann and his wife, were killed by another Swiss Guard, Cedric Tornay, who later killed himself (Ruhl 5). On April 18, 1506, Pope Nicholas V begins rebuilding and expanding St. Peter’s Basilica. According to researchers Basilica is the world’s second, the largest Christian church after Yamoussoukro Basilica in Cà ´te d ivoire. Michelangelo designed the dome of Basilica, 400 feet tall and 138 feet in diameter. St. Peter’s Basilica has the shape of a cross 700 feet long, 450 feet wide and is standing on 18,000 square yards or more. The building can hold more than 60,000 people, it is a beautiful place to see and is one of the many visited places in Vatican. The original Basilica was built in 326 AD by Emperor Constantine. Between 1473 to 1481 Vatican workers constructed the Sistine Chapel. But this was designed mainly for the Pope, not for the people of Vatican. Michelangelo spent four years painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Architect Giovanni dei Dolci, the designer, Raphael, a decorator, continued for 60 years, even after construction was finished. The Sistine Chapel is one of theShow MoreRelatedVatican City Of Rome s Basilica The Home Of Pope Francis1400 Wo rds  | 6 Pages VATICAN CITY The Sistine Chapel †¦ St. Peter’s Square †¦ Saint Peter’s Basilica †¦ The home of Pope Francis., What do all these famous places have in common? They are all in The Vatican City. Vatican City, an independent state within the city of Rome, is ruled by the Pope and is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church. (Ruhl 1) (Blake 2) Vatican city, the smallest country, has the smallest population in the world. The Vatican stamps their own coins (Ruhl 3). The full nameRead MoreHow the Roman Catholic Church Has Changde History2060 Words  | 8 Pagesmany different Catholic charities, such as The Knights of Columbus, the Catholic Church came to the aid of many people in need and changed the course of history. The Catholic Church also experienced the most influential people during this time period. Pope John Paul II influenced the whole world. Also Mother Theresa contributed to society in many different ways. It was not just a specific person that aided people in need but also the church as a whole. The world experienced so many tragic things in this Vatican City Of Rome s Basilica The Home Of Pope Francis VATICAN CITY The Sistine Chapel †¦ St. Peter’s Square †¦ Saint Peter’s Basilica †¦ The home of Pope Francis., What do all these famous places have in common? They are all in The Vatican City. Vatican City, an independent state within the city of Rome, is ruled by the Pope and is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church. (Ruhl 1) (Blake 2) Vatican city, the smallest country, has the smallest population in the world. The Vatican stamps their own coins (Ruhl 3). The full name of the country is the State of Vatican City, and it is the spiritual and governing center of the Roman Catholic Church. Vatican is usually referred to as a City State and often called â€Å"The Holy See†. It stands on Vatican Hill in northwestern Rome,†¦show more content†¦The men main duty is to protect the Pope. The Swiss Guards wear colorful uniforms protecting the Guards since 1506 (Klein 3). To be a Swiss Guard, have to be Catholic and take the oath of loyalty to the Pope. The men have to be at least 5’8.5 inches tall and between the ages 19 to 30 (Ruhl 4). Swiss Guard Commander, Alois Estermann and his wife, were killed by another Swiss Guard, Cedric Tornay, who later killed himself (Ruhl 5). On April 18, 1506, Pope Nicholas V begins rebuilding and expanding St. Peter’s Basilica. According to researchers Ba silica is the world’s second, the largest Christian church after Yamoussoukro Basilica in Cà ´te d ivoire. Michelangelo designed the dome of Basilica, 400 feet tall and 138 feet in diameter. St. Peter’s Basilica has the shape of a cross 700 feet long, 450 feet wide and is standing on 18,000 square yards or more. The building can hold more than 60,000 people, it is a beautiful place to see and is one of the many visited places in Vatican. The original Basilica was built in 326 AD by Emperor Constantine. Between 1473 to 1481 Vatican workers constructed the Sistine Chapel. But this was designed mainly for the Pope, not for the people of Vatican. Michelangelo spent four years painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Architect Giovanni dei Dolci, the designer, Raphael, a decorator, continued for 60 years, even after construction was finished. The Sistine Chapel isShow MoreRelatedVatican City Of Rome s Basilica The Home Of Pope Francis1398 Words  | 6 PagesSquar e †¦ Saint Peter’s Basilica †¦ The home of Pope Francis., What do all these famous places have in common? They are all in The Vatican City. Vatican City, an independent state within the city of Rome, is ruled by the Pope and is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church. (Ruhl 1) (Blake 2) Vatican city, the smallest country, has the smallest population in the world. The Vatican stamps their own coins (Ruhl 3). The full name of the country is the State of Vatican City, and it is the spiritualRead MoreHow the Roman Catholic Church Has Changde History2060 Words  | 8 Pagesmany different Catholic charities, such as The Knights of Columbus, the Catholic Church came to the aid of many people in need and changed the course of history. The Catholic Church also experienced the most influential people during this time period. Pope John Paul II influenced the whole world. Also Mother Theresa contributed to society in many different ways. It was not just a specific person that aided people in need but also the church as a whole. The world experienced so many tragic things in this
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Edgar Allan Poe and the Search for the American Identity
From the first day that the United States won its independance, thoughtful Americans have attempted to define the new national identity that decolonization invited. Becoming an independant political nation forced citizens to suddenly devise a community and character (Finkelman, 63) worthy of this newborn America. It was believed that, once free from Birtish fetters, a unique American character would emerge automatically. But this was not so, and it was left up to the artits, politictians, scientists, businessmen and women, and every other citizen to contrive the American identity. Those who were most accomplished at scrutinizing the American identity and what it was, were the many authors and writers of the 19th century. One of the†¦show more content†¦Madeline is seen by readers as weak because of her illness, and this correlates to many women in that time period, weak and subservient. In the American South, where European values were still held in high regard, women were kept in the background, left in the house with no rights. Poe demonstrates the presence of European societal morals, such as the role of women, in his story The Fall of the House of Usher. Gradually, the nation began to develop characteristics unique to America, such as a middle class dominated by business men and women, a sense of individualism and the idea of Manifest Destiny. The merchants and business people of the mid-19th century freed themselves from the cuffs of petty European values through the development and success of the middle class. This middle class began to influence the rest of the nations ideals. According to Scott Finkelman on American charater and identity, self made men and women ventured creativly into the [unkown], inventing themselves as they made social space for their unprecedented enterprises (64). 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Management Accounting Management Control
Question: Discuss about the Management Accounting for Management Control. Answer: Introduction: The Role of Management Accounting and Six Capital are of immense importance for all companies which target to perform in the best possible professional manner. The management control is the best technical way to understood business condition at any point of time. Our target will be to find out the role of management accountant in the companys growth in Australia. In this case we will discuss for the Australian Securities Exchange or ASX listed company Woolworths Limited listed on 12.07.1993 in the Food Staples Retailing industry classification. We will also try to ascertain the areas of Six Capital and how this Six Capital is demonstrated and how it is important for Woolworths Limited. The results of the company are directly or indirectly affect the future growth and sustenance of the future of the company. Woolworths Limited is in the areas of business names like Woolworths-the fresh food people, Woolworths Petrol, Cellarmasters, Countdown Shop Smarter, BWS, Dan Murphys-Lowest Liquor Price Guaranteed, BIGW, Ezibuy, Masters-Home Improvement, ALH Group, Langtons-Fine Wine Since 1988, and Home Timber Improvement. These are the names of Woolworthss business which ranges from Australian Food, Liquor and Petrol, New Zealand Supermarkets and also General Merchandise. Body: Its employees and management can be dependent on both Management Accounting and Six Capital for further improvement and sustenance in all its business frontiers and the portfolios thus handled. The management accountants are primarily responsible for applying certain special techniques to evaluate the real situation of any business in the modern world. The target is always to locate the loopholes the management needs to take care of after such detection and this rectification in many cases save the company from either great loss situation or also from winding up or closure. The techniques thus followed are business performance evaluation, strategic management accounting, and variance analysis, budgeting and forecasting, rolling forecasts, operational budgeting, financial reporting, computer system experience like ERP or SAP (Theage, 2008). The most important role the management accountant always plays in any business whatsoever are bit detailed here for better understanding Strategy maker or formulator Analyst of business Advisor (or Business Partner) internal consultant Acting as change agent Information provider or knowledge worker the for various data compilation Manager and interpreter of different types of business complexity Manager and designer of various information systems Controller and designer of various systems of performance measurement Educator, Teacher and guide for various stakeholders of the business Business Analyst The most important trend of the management accountants functions are related to the following activities Customer Satisfaction Measurement techniques High Emphasis of business analysis Capital Budgeting detailing Balanced Scorecard for Business status Variance Analysis Planning and control Budgeting Return on Investment Techniques Costing and management on activity performance Variable and Absorption costing Value analysis of shareholder Benchmarking of business The future of management accounting will be looking into the usage of adaptation of new forms of manufacturing process, managing organisational changes by using modern information technology , deeper understanding of organisational structuring and making improvements where necessary, innovation gathering, better functioning and structuring. Computational, statistical, interpretive, analytical and financial information system designing skills are newly introduced in newer formats for better management of accounting information with highly extensive technological developments (Accounting for management, 2016). The special nature of management accountants include better analytical skills, solid understanding of accounting, greater understanding of all business functions, ability to work in team, making forecasts and projections, process analysis, developing assumptions, data modelling, being forward looking and strategic ,adaptable, and not at all resistant to any change or should be open to any sort of change and make others understand that any change is always good and not bad if analysed properly in grater development perspective. The capital is very important business element of all times. Capitals are of different types and nature and their usage depends on the type and size and nature of each and every business and sometime they are also country specific also. These capitals are key inputs of any business without which can be compared to a human body without any blood or may be compared to a dead body. Hence capital plays the most important part in the development of the business (Managementstudyguide, 2016). The major Capital that we refer in the perspective of Australian business is Six Capital. The Six Capital are as detailed below Financial CapitalThe fund available to any business for use in the production of goods and provision of services and these funds are collected from various sources like equity, debts, grants, investments, generated through various operations. All organisations need various types of Financial Capital which are to be used in the form of Working capital, Project Capital, Vendor financing capital, long term project capital financing. Human Capitalthe people are the 2nd important capital of any organisation as without human capita it cannot function at all. Human competencies, motivations to innovation, experience, and the ability to understand, implement, manage, collaborate and maintain ethical values are very much required. Employees are the greatest asset of any company. Intellectual CapitalThe intangibles in a business like intellectual property which can be stated as rights and licences, softwares, copyrights, patents, systems, procedures and protocols, brand reputation, etc. Manufactured Capitalthere are assets like buildings, equipments, infrastructure like road, ports, bridges, waste and water treatment plants are some of examples. These help in the operational efficiency and effectiveness in the form of productivity, cost containment, enhanced safety and environment stewardship. Natural Capitalthis comprise of air, water, land, forests and minerals, biodiversity and ecosystem health which gets positively or negatively affected by an organisations activities. Hence these mostly include all renewable and non renewable environment stocks that provide goods and service that support current and future development of organisation (ASX, 2016). Social and relationship capitalthese mostly include the common behaviours and key relationships and trust or faith building among various stakeholders of the business like creditors, debtors, fund providers, suppliers, customers, bankers, etc (Telecomitalia, 2016). The Six Capital is very much important as per the Woolworths Limited is concerned. It has already shown that it has implemented the six capitals in its organisational functioning as per the data we have placed above in the details of the company (Bazerman et al., 2002). The Financial Capital needs to be refurbished to make the financial position more viable as per the loss is very concerning for a company like this status. The Human capital is already very mush taken care of as per the data we have received from the company report FY16 which is already discussed above. Manufactured Capital is already acting very positively thats why the company have generated such a huge asset base which helps it to further help growth process. Natural capital is also taken care of by the company by making usage of Solar Power generations by using reclining theory in its business. Social or community capital is also very much taken care of by the company by making usage of star rated health brands for the community and also by using its workforce to involve in community development and social improvement (Tutorialspoint, 2016). Intellectual capital is also taken care of by using the branding, protocol procedure introduction, etc. The management accountants need to play a very important role in the improvement of the financial capital of the company with such a base as the company is in net loss and the business needs to find the ways which will make or reduce its losses in all possible manners. The report shows that there is $1,235M net loss for the group although it has dropped by 157.5 % from FY15. That means the company have already taken serious steps to control loss despite there is a fall in total group sales. That means the management accounting needs to use current techniques like Cost-volume profit analysis, capital budgeting, cost of quality, detailed financial reporting and weekly analysis of the same and forecasting in detailed manner, variance analysis, operational budgeting, and activity based management functions (Limited, 2016). The integrated report provided by WHL indicated concise and clear overview of the performance of the company. In the report WHL considered information of previous reports also. It is a part of the legislative requirements according to International Integrated Reporting Council. The company is subsidiary of Woolworths Holdings. The company has operation in New Zealand and in Canada. The company started its operation in South Africa. The company mainly retails food products. The key areas of the business are understood to be facilitating value for money. The key areas that are highlighted in the business are from various points of views: The key external factors of the organization The desired outcome of the company The terms of capital in the organization The financial capital of the company represents the capital available for the production of the goods and services. The manufactured capital is nothing but physical objects including those objects available for the production of the goods. The important part of the capital includes human capital. The employees should be aligned with the organizations governance framework and risk management approach. The value creation is another important part of the business object. The need of the intellectual capital for future development of the product is also relevant and there is the need to create that intellectual capital based as tacit knowledge, systems, procedures and protocols. The social and the relationship capital is another i8mportant area of the business which clearly suggests that there is need to develop the business and along with that customer relationship (Limited, 2015). The Company is a great actor in the Food and Staple industry where the Australian Customers are 75% satisfied with Woolworths as per the report for FY16. There are more than 3400 products from local sourcing and have 450 product lines since September, 2014. 96% of its source of fruits and vegetables are Australian grown. Their best thing is price competitiveness and they have reduced their overall prices by 2.7% in Q4 for FY16. The salient information about the company is as given Customer related: Customers served per week are 29.6 M. Overall satisfaction of customers as on June, 16 is 75%. Customer voicing for team work85% Lower price investments in FY16--$500 M+. Renewal stores opened in June, 16 6 nos. Sales related Continuing operations sales--$58 B which is 1.2% down from FY15 Australian food and petrol--$39,410 M Endeavour Drinks group--$7,589 M. BIGW--$3,820 M Hotels--$ 1,512 M New Zealand Food--$5,592 M Group Financial related Net profit towards shareholders--$1,558 M which is down by 39.2% from FY15 Total group Net Loss towards shareholders--$1,235 M which is down by 157.5% from FY15 Operating Capital expenditure--$ 1,484 M which is up by 2.8% from FY15 Earnings before Interest and Tax--$ 2,564 M which is down by 35.5% from FY15 Employees related 205,000 plus Management positions by women38.9%. Indigenous employees2,200+ Young employees79,000+ Community or society related Brand products with health star rating1,300. Solar Power Generation1,560 Mwh Food saved for meals6.4 M. Material recycled274,930tonne. Value of employee time for social work--$7.4M According to the sustainability reporting; WHL has achieved significant reduction in carbon emissions. The company proudly states that it has achieved 42% lesser carbon emission in last year. The car fleet emission of the company is reduced by 30%. The company has managed to save 200million liters of water annually, largest since 2010. These are significant reflection of the business. The strategy of the company can be the brain child of good management practice. This represents the actual financial and other capital strengthening practices of the company (Integratedreporting, 2016). Conclusion: As the world witnessed the accounting scandals rocked the world and corporate communities. The target of the business and of the enterprise is to ensure that accounting plays more constructive role than destructive. In most of the occasions it is seen that errors to deliberate corruption and accountants have become rife with crooks. That tag about the accounting profession need to be removed. The reflection of the financial capital is mainly annual reports of the company. Apart from financial inclusions in the report there are other factors which are discussed in the annual reports and that include report on the stakeholders, customers, shareholders and the other reporting. The sustainability reporting may not be a part of annual report but it includes the social responsibilities that they have performed which can be called social capital. References: Accounting for management, 2016. Target profit analysis, break-even point. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 September 2016]. ASX, 2016. WOOLWORTHS LIMITED (WOW). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 September 2016]. Bazerman, M.H., Loewenstein, G. Moore, D., 2002. Why Good Accountants Do Bad Audits. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 September 2016]. Integratedreporting, 2016. BUSINESS MODEL. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 September 2016]. Limited, W., 2015. Annual Report 2015. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 September 2016]. Limited, W., 2016. Sustainability Strategy. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 September 2016]. Managementstudyguide, 2016. Corporate Governance - Definition, Scope and Benefits. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 September 2016]. Telecomitalia, 2016. Risk Management. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 September 2016]. Theage, 2008. Accountants to help cut greenhouse gases. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 09 September 2016]. Tutorialspoint, 2016. Project Cost Control. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 September 2016].
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